Chapter 1

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Meg. That's what they call me in California. Megan Gisselle Lancaster is my full name. I used to think Gisselle was too fancy for me but now I don't really care. Claire told me that my mother wanted that name but she also told me that my mother died in an accident. She lied, obviously.

Claire adopted me years ago with her husband, Connor. Connor never like me because he said I'm a burden and I'm a reminder to Claire of something horrible. A reminder of her being a barren. Sometimes i really want to scream at his face and say " It's not my fault you adopt me" but most of the time i just shut up and mind my own business.

Besides, all of that won't matter soon because I'm moving. Since it's my senior year, i will be old enough to live by my own so I'll be moving to New York. I have my own money to rent a small apartment because I've been working after school everyday. Also, I won't have to worry about my friends because i have no friends at school but i do worry about Rachel.

The school bell rang breaking me from my thoughts. As I about to exit the classroom, i heard my name being called by the one and only Mr Winston. "May i have a word with you, Ms Lancaster?" he asked while he marks my science test that we had just now. " Congratulations, you have a perfect paper again. The school will have a major lost if you move. Are you really sure you don't want to graduate here?" He always ask me this because I'm one of the top students in school. " I'm very sure, Mr Winston because I don't want to burden my parents anymore."

Of course that wasn't the truth. The truth is i want to see Rachel without hiding from Connor. For some reason Connor really hates me. He hates what i do, whom I'm friends with and what i like. Rachel is my sister and she lives in the foster house where I'm from.But I can't go there because of Connor. Everytime i want to visit Rachel i have to hide from Connor and lie to Claire. I feel so bad lying to Claire because i actually love her.

When i move out, the contract will be over and i can meet Rachel without ever feeling guilty. Rachel is still so young so she can't leave the foster house without parents and I don't have enough money to raise both of us. As a solution, i plan to visit her after school everyday because Rachel was transferred to New York due to her contract.

"Do your homework don't just stare at the wall the whole day, Meg". Connor glares and i just roll my eyes in annoyance. Claire called my name from downstairs and asked me to help her make dinner since it will be my last one. "Honey, I..I" and them she starts to cry. I hugged her and she hugged me back. "I'm going to miss you so so much. You're the best thing and will be my favorite decision that i have ever made in my entire life". I know all of those things wasn't true because I'm just a foster kid. "I'll miss you too, Claire".

After my last dinner, i packed my things and put it in the trunk of my car. I kissed Claire goodnight and say night to Connor. When i was about to sleep, Claire came into my room and hugged me for so long I thought my guts are going to explode. When she left, Connor came to me and said ," Why do you always make her cry?" And left. I didn't argue because what he said was true and I'm so glad I'm leaving soon.

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