Chapter 15

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Rachel saw me and waved. I waved back and I walked towards her after excusing myself from my friends. Rachel rolled her wheelchair and hugged me.

"I heard about last night, I was so worried."

I let go of the hug and she pulled me towards the adults.

"Meg, meet our parents."

My eyes widen and I was speechless. My parents were right in front of me after years of disappearance. The woman, I assumed was my mother came to me and hugged me. The man, my father was messing with my hair . Both of them hugged me and had tears in their eyes. I didn't hug them back because I was still shocked. I was paralyzed. My mind was filled with questions.

"Oh Megan, we missed you." My mother said.

"Look at you! You're all grown up." My father said as he opened his arms like he was surprised to see me.

"Of course I'm grown up, it's been 10 years." I blurted out. He seems to be taken back as I said that.

My mother awkwardly hold my shoulders.

"Megan, sweetie, dad and I won't leave you anymore. We promise."

I shrugged her hand coldly. Thousands of questions  filled my mind. "Why did you leave in the first place?"

"We weren't ready to have kids." She said.

"If you weren't ready than why did you even took the risk?"

"It was an accident." My so called father said. I could feel my anger increases as he said that.I dragged Rachel to the restroom and pushed her inside one of the stalls.

"Why are you with them?" I said nearly yelling.

"They tooked me back again, I had no choice."

I wanted to tell her that we were just accidents but she won't understand. She's only 11 for god's sake. She told me to stop overreacting, which I was. Rachel went to her real parents and I returned to my table.

"Hey, are you okay?" Syaz asked me with worried eyes.

"I'm fine." I said not looking at her. I wasn't in the mood to discuss my personal business but Syaz kept asking about my parents.

"Who are they?" "What did you talked about?" "What did they want?" I ignored all of Syaz's questions. Syaz was annoyed with my cold attitude so she stayed quiet after realizing she won't get any answers.

"So Syaz, is your name just Syaz or is   it a nickname?" Dane said, trying to change the subject.

"It's short for Syazane." She said as her face brightened up. I saw my parents walking towards my table. I tried to avoid them but I was too late.

"Megan honey, why won't you introduce us to your friends?" Mom said as her perfect teeth assembled in a straight line. I rolled my eyes and pointed each of my friends while telling their names. I was getting furious  by my parents because they acted like nothing happened between us.

My parents smiled and excused themselves. My friends glared at me and asked me why was I so rude to them. Except Dane, he knew about my past. I didn't want to argue so I ate my lunch and went home. My mood was suddenly changed. I didn't feel like talking to anyone because they won't understand my problem.

I always complicated things up with overthinking things. Like my parents, they were back. I should be happy but I wasn't. I was angry and confused for some  reason. I didn't understand myself  so how can anyone understand me. I went to the kitchen and grabbed every food I could possibly hold. I sat on my couch and watched movies until midnight. After watching hours of movies, I fell asleep on the couch.


"Honey, we're going to leave you here so you can make friends. Okay?" Mom said as she looked me in the eyes. We were at the foster home before she left Rachel and I. I was 8 back then and Rachel was only 1.

"Take care of your sister okay?" Dad said as he hugged me for the last time.

I nodded and said "When will you come back?" Mom and Dad looked at each other and smiled to me. They didn't answer. They walked towards the car and left. Without looking back.

I waited for their return for days. Days eventually turned into weeks, months and years. I gave up waiting for them when I was 13and Rachel was 8. She kept asking where did our parents went and I always answered her by saying that I didn't know or shrugging my shoulders.

"Megan, one day I'm going to meet our parents." Rachel said as hope was written on her face. I smiled at her and hoped that her wish would never come true because I didn't want to see them again.

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