Chapter 10

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I focused on driving. My mind was literally blown away because I did not see that coming. Chloe and Dane? No way. Should I tell her about Dane's history? I shouldn't because it would break her. After awhile, she noticed how quiet I am.

"You don't have a crush on him, do you?"

"No,no hell no. We're just friends " she glared at me for a while and looked out the window. The ride was silence and somehow awkward. Maybe it's just me.

When we arrived at McDonalds, Dane was already there sitting and playing a game on his phone. Chloe sat beside him and I went to the counter to order our food. I looked at our table and they were laughing together which looked adorable. Maybe both of them being together wasn't bad after all. I immediately shook that thought off. I was disgusted by myself for thinking that. Was I really going to let that backstabbing guy go out with my new sweet friend.

After I got the food, I walked to table and sat across of the forbidden couple. They were talking about Dane's high score in Candy Crush.

"Megan Megan. Do you know Dane's highest score is more than 100k?" Chloe said to me with loads of excitement.

Dane smiled and wrapped his arm around Chloe. What's his problem with wrapping arms around girls' shoulders.

I rolled my eyes and ate my fast food dinner. Chloe and Dane were flirting with each other and it was disgusting. Dane said the most cheesiest pick up lines and Chloe just turned red, giggling. Most of the time I ignored them. I wanted to leave and I asked Chloe if she wanted me to drop her off at her house.

"Oh no thanks, Dane can drop me off" Chloe said as she looked at Dane and smiled.

"Yeah, I mean we are friends so why not" Dane added.

I looked at Chloe and her face seems upset but she immediately covered up with a smile.

"Okay. See ya" I walked out of McDonalds and headed home. I missed my bed so much.

Being an introvert, I was mentally tired because I met new people the whole day. I need to recharge. I walked in my apartment and changed into more comfortable clothes. I sat on my bed and grabbed my laptop. I decided to open my bank account. My money was enough for a year. I needed more so I thought of having a job during the weekends like Chloe. I searched up for available jobs and luckily Starbucks had one. I planned to go there by this Saturday or Sunday. I prayed that my shift wasn't during night or afternoon because it's the weekend and I'm a senior. I had to enjoy high school as much as possible.

I couldn't sleep that night. So I called Chloe to ask if she's home. Of course, she didn't answer. I walked to my study room and study. I finished my homeworks and I still couldn't sleep. I walked to my balcony and lay down. I stared at the stars. It was beautiful. If I couldn't sleep I always had these crazy imaginations. All of them started with "what ifs "

What if Dane never betrayed me? What if Rachel wasn't my sister? What if my parents never left? What if I could trust people again? What if I wasn't born?

I sat up and realized that I was crying. I was crying because maybe I felt the world was against me. I was crying because I don't have any shoulders to cry on because everytime I let them, they left. I put my head on my knees and brought my knees to my chest. I cried because I couldn't trust anyone.

I cried because I was alone

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