Chapter 18

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I drove to my parents and knocked the door. They had picnic baskets ready and they were happy. We set up the place when we arrived at the park.

We were having a great time together. I found out that dad used to go for anger management classes. Mom was a waitress. The night was filled with laughters and jokes. I was feeling genuinely happy. Someone called my name. I turned around to see Ben grinning at me. I smiled and stood up to greet him.

"Hello ma'am."

"Hello sir."

"Mom,dad and Rachel, this is Ben. My friend from school."

Ben smiled and shook hands with them. My mom invited Ben to have the picnic with us. Of course, he agreed. He sat down beside dad.

Ben was funny and nice. Rachel seemed to like him. Mom was laughing so hard and dad kept saying "You're one hilarious kid, Ben."

The night was one of the best nights ever. It was midnight and I was getting sleepy. I went home after the picnic was over. After I got ready to sleep, I dozed off.

I woke up and got ready for school. My hair wasn't cooperating with me so I put it on a very messy bun. Dane was waiting for the elevator.

"So, how was the picnic?"

"It was great. I was so happy and Ben showed up last minute and joined us."

"Ben? Ben Carter?"

"Yes Ben Carter. Why?"

"Nothing, I didn't know you love dorks." He joked and I pushed him playfully.

"We literally met yesterday during lunch."

"There's this thing called love at first sight."

"Shut up." I said and he poked my cheek. He kept teasing me with Ben's name and I replied with Chloe's. He said he didn't care because he loved Chloe's name and I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

I walked up to my locker. There was a note inside my locker and it wrote "thanks for the picnic. -B". I smiled to myself and kept the note inside my notebook.Dane and Chloe walked up to me.

"How dare you have a boyfriend without telling me." Chloe gave me a glare.

"Oh my god, we literally met yesterday. Stop it Dane." I said when he poked my cheek and repeated Ben's name like before. Dane noticed the note because I didn't put properly in my notebook. He grabbed it and held it up high. He read it and gave it to Chloe. I snatched it away from her.

"Aw he wrote you a letter." Dane said as he made kissing sounds. I smacked his head and told him to shut up. I rolled my eyes at him and went to class.

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