Chapter 29

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I was working and all my friends came barging in. They hugged me and I was again, squished between them.

"Let's go to graduation tomorrow, naked under our gowns." Luke said as he sipped his coffee. I joined them as my shift was over.

"Just hope tomorrow won't be windy like today." Judy said as she looked at Luke.

The night went by and I finally went home and sleep.


Graduation day. After graduation, I had to make decisions but I wasn't going to worry about it now. I was graduating from high school and I wanted to enjoy it. I planned to enjoy every second of it. I drove to school and spotted my family on one of the bleachers. They waved to me and I waved back.

After hours of waiting, my name was finally called. I walked to the stage and took my scroll. My four years of high school finally ended as I walked down the stairs.

The ceremony ended and I ran to my parents. They hugged me and I returned the hug.

"I'm so proud of you. I'm sure they're proud of you too." Mom said as she pointed to the sky. I smiled at her and went to hug Rachel.

All my friends hugged me and I was squished between them for the thousandth time. All of threw our hats and took photos after we picked then up.

I was exhausted so I went home.

When I arrived home,I sat down on my bed and scrolled through my gallery. I stopped at Stella and Derrick's prom photo when they one prom queen and king. I started to clutch the locket dad gave me months ago. The locket revealed a photo of my parents and Rachel. I smiled to myself and put down my phone on the table beside my bed.

The album about me growing up was on the table. I picked it up and started to go through the pages. Tears started to form as I saw Claire and Connor. I put it on the table and picked the frame on the table. It was a photo of my friends during the camping trip.

I smiled when the memories flooded in my mind. Ginger walked onto my lap and slept. Everything changed since I moved to New York and I was forever grateful for it.

Everything was finally okay.

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