chapter 2

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As I was walking down the road I looked back just to make sure no police was behind me.I walk for an hour and finally had to stop. I came across a motel and a gas station. I walked in the gas station and looked at the lady that was behind the counter. I walk to the back and grabbed a drink and placed it in my jacket,then grabbed some food and hid them.
I went to the counter and ask the lady for directions to closes dinner. So I don't look too suspicious. She smiled and said" two more miles and they also have a motel that is right next to it."
I left the station. And went to the motel the was next door. I went in to see if anyone was their but I couldn't find anyone. I went over were they keep the keys and took one. I started walking to the door and looked back just to make sure No one was looking. Out of no where I hit someone and I looked up it was a tall man. He looked to be in his twenties and a little bit of long brown hair. " watch it" I said a little rude. I looked up and he had a shock look on his face. I ran past him and went to the room that the key had written on it.
I sat in the room for a few min and looked around there was nothing really. I walked around and started to get bored I took bag and though that I needed to get to the other motel instead just because it had a Diner next to it. I started walking to the door and eat my food and drink then I noticethe man from earlier and this time he had another man with him. He was a little shorter then the other on and he had shorter hair bit it was the same color as the tall man's hair. I notice they had a bag with them and though it would be the best this to take and maybe it had some things in it that could be sold and get some money. I waited for them to leave and went to the room. I looked behind me and they were not their and I turn back to the door and had a little trouble opine the door but , it finally got open.
I walked in slowly and my eyes got bigger and my heart start to race because on the bed they had guns and knives. But it was more then a few guns. I took the knives and guns, but when I took a closer look the knives was a little odd. It had something carved into it. I looked at it and it at had a circle with a star in the middle and other things in side it. "OMG, they are devil worship people." I said quilt to my self. I looked around then I herd someone walking to the door. "Shit, took to long." I looked at the room and there was no way out. I herd the door knob began to move. I went to the side of the door so when they open it I can make a run. Once the door open I ran, I hit two people on my way out and I felt me shirt get tugged on. I got pulled back and I fell on the ground. I looked up and saw the tall man and the short guy that was with him. "Why were you in our room?" The short guy said a little rude. But who can blame him really. I stood up and then made a run for it. I ran past the tall guy but the short one grabbed my arm. " Ow, let go." I said we both looked each other in the eyes. He pulled his arm back and I felt a punch and then it was dark.
*****2 hours later*****
"What are we going to do with her, we can't keep her here." A man said " We don't even know if she is a human." The other man said pacing the floor. I started to come to and my arm was stinging real bad. I looked up and saw the tall man look at me then the other one. I look at my hurt arm and notice a cut. And I was restraint in a chair. "Please don't hurt me." I said starting to cry. I tried to undo the rope but they were tight. " who are you?" The tall one asked starting to come closer to me. I looked at him felt like my heart was going to rip out of my chest, it was ponding so fast. " m-my name is Kelly" I said a little shaky the man came and picked up a rag. I looked at him and the rag and started to freak. "No,no please don't kill me please!" I yelled. I tried to rip my arms out of the rope just hoping it would brake or the chair would at least brake. " hey, take it ease we are not going to kill you. My name is Sam and this is my brother Dean." Sam said pointing at Dean. I looked at him and saw that the Dean guy wasn't happy that he told me their names.

Sam took the rag and place it on my arm and looked at my wrist it had gotten red and started to bleed. "I am going to remove the ropes. I need to look at your wrist, don't try to run." Sam said and looked at his brother and then to me. I saw Dean get in front of the door and stood there. " how old are you?" Dean asked, I looked at him not really sure if I should tell them, I mean you never really trust anyone anymore. " I'm 17" I said lying. I hope they bought it I mean I don't look it at all. " The brothers looked at one another and then back at me. "Haha, and I'm 23. Now really tell me the truth how old are you." Dean said I looked at him and then at Sam. " No" I looked at Dean in the eyes. "Well do you have anyone we can call?" He asked. I looked at him a little while and then told them yes.

The boys weren't buying a word I said. They walked out the room and I notice Sam had left my arms untied and once they were outside I stood up and walked to the bathroom and notice a window. It was small but luckily for me I was tinny. I got on the sink and open the window. I herd the door open and then someone said "Son of a bitch" I
looked behind me and climb through the window someone grabbed my leg and I pulled leg back he let go "I'll go get her. " Dean said

I ran as fast as I could. I was a little eeak and couldn't really run fast . I had started to slow down and then I was pushed down and Dean had pulled me back up. "Now where were you going" Dean said. I looked at him and knew it would be best if I would just not try to run. We walked back to the room. Sam close the door and I sat on one of the beds. " now the truth who are you and why were in our room?" Dean said a little irritable. I loved down and started to think about my mom. And her getting murder.
"Ok, I will tell you. My name is Kelly, I'm 14 years old and I ran from the cops because they were going to place me in foster care. Because my mother was murdered a week ago." I told them as I had started to cry and they both had a sad look on their faces. "What was your mother's name?" Sam asked I looked at him and then said " Kathy West." Sam had an odd look on his face and then left the room."What are you doing Sammy?" I saw that name once. In Dads book. And don't call me Sammy." I must have looked frightened because sam told me it was ok."come here Dean look." Sam told Dean. He came over to Sam and looked at the page. Kelly what is your home town?" Sam ask me. I looked at him and then told him. They once again looked at each other and then Sam looked at me and said." I think Dean and I are your brothers."

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