Chapter 18

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" What the hell are we going to do?" Dean stated while he was p pacing back and forth.
It had been two days since Crowley had come to the house and everything has been silent with the whole supernatural thing. Which worried the boys more. " He's up to something." Sam said looking at Dean. Dean never looked at him but he turn his gaze toward Kelly's room. " we can't loose her to Sammy."
*Kelly's POV *
" Cas, please have you heard anything." I looked him dead in the eyes but he just shook his head. " No, no one is talking." And the angles don't even know.
After that Castile left and I walked over to the window. It was a beautiful day. Blue sky a few white clouds. And it was warm but the cool breeze. Didn't make it feel hot just.... comfortable. Mom would have love this day. It was always her favorite days. I thought to my self.
I open the window and sat at the window opening and let the breeze take my mind away for a little bit.

***Flash Back***
" Come on Kelly, we are going to be late." I grabbed my CD player and my bag full of sunscreen , my hat and a towel. Mom was taking me to the park. Our favorite day place. It was so pretty tall trees, a few hills and a great view of the whole park. Well the location Mom was taking me. It was well our spot. We always go on beautiful days like this. It was warm with a nice breeze. And the sky was beautiful.
We went to my moms favorite spot and we took the towels out and the CD player. Mom started to unpack the food and got the plates out. " Mom I never want this day to end." My Mom looked at me and smiled " me too"
*** End Flashback*****

I open my eyes and looked at the door and notice Sam was standing in the door way. " well that doesn't look save." Sam said. I looked at Sam and then back to the sky. " you know Mom loved these days. We would always go out and spend the day together, even if it was a school day. She would let me skip and we just hang out."
Sam walked closer to me and placed his hand on my shoulders. " we will find out what killed her but with Crowley knowing you are our sister. We think he may try to take you or.. worse. And Dean and I agreed that we need to stop him right now."

I looked at him not mad just disappointed that this asshat of a demon has come to my life and when we should really be looking for the thing that killed my mother. We have to put it on hold to stop the son of a bitch. I got up from the window , and we walked down stairs. Everyone was in the living room. Castile had   been talking to Dean and when Sam and I got down there they had stopped. " what's going on?" Sam asked.
" look I think it's time for Kelly to get shield from the demons. Let Cas hide her like he did with us."
Sam looked at Kelly and then to Bobby. " it's up to you two and her." He stated outing his hands in the air.  " look Kelly there is a way to hide you. Cas can protect you but, it will hurt for a few minutes. But it will keep you safe.
I looked at Dean and Castile. " ok"

Dean stood behind me and Sam beside me. Cas places his hand on me and then there was a stinging and then a burning feeling. It felt like something was being carved into my ribs... but that's impossible. I started to walk back but Dean stoped me. I took a deep breath and screamed. After Cas was finished I began to fall but Dean places is arms around me and placed me on the floor. " oh man." I said out of breath. " you ok?" Dean asked. I nod my head yes and Sam gave me some water. I took a seat on the couch and Sam came and sat next to me " what the hell did you do my... my ribs hurts?" I asked. " Castile carved a spell into you ribs so demon or even angels can't find you." Sam stated. I looked at the boys and held my ribs and looked at bobby and Castile. " now what" I asked "now we try to figure what the hell crowley is up to and stop him." Dean said looking at everyone.

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