Chapter 21

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     Its been about two hours, I hadn't notice that Bobby lives out of no where. I finally come across a car in the streets, I looked around to make sure no one was around. I walk a little closer to the car to see if the doors was unlock. "come on please be unlock, please be unlock." I wished to myself. I pulled the back door handle but it didn't open. I curse to myself and did the some to the drivers side, but still the same thing. I walked to the other side and hoped that the doors over there would open. But again it didn't open. I decided to walked a little more down the road and hoped that I will find a car soon. "oh I wish I would have had the guys show me how to brake into cars." I t said to myself. After another thirty min had pass I saw a car in the street. I walked over and did the same, pulling on the doors to see if the doors are open. I went to the other side and "Pop" the door opened. I was so happy and open the door a little wider. I look around and see if by chance if the keys was in the car. I opened the console and couldn't believe what I have found. this dummy left the keys in his car. I turn the car on and started to drive away.
"Hopefully that mark will protect her." I said. Cas popped into the room and we all was looking at him. "I need to inform you guy of something." He said stern. Sam stood up and so did Bobby. "Well are you going to spit it out or end with that?" I asked. Cas gave me a confused look. "Just tell us!"I yelled. "I let Kelly leave. She told me to inform you guys after 30 minutes." Sam looked shocked "what you mean you let her go?" Sam asked. "It's the only way to get Crowley and you guys wouldn't do it , so I let her go." Cast said. I began passing back and forth. Trying to rap this whole thing around my head. "He's going to kill her. We are going to loose our sister." I thought to myself. We ran out the house and go into the impala. I put the car on and sped down the drive way with Sam in the passenger side.

Kelly's POV:
"Come one turn green." The light had been one red what seemed like ages. Finally it changed and I gunned it. I see a gas station up ahead and stopped for gas. I get out and go in to pay. " 20 on 6" I said giving him the money. He looked up he was young with a messy brown hair blue eyes and beautiful smile. He took the money and I walked out. " Hey!" I looked back and he comes running my may. "If you want call later." He went back in and I finished gassing up. I looked back one more time and he was starring at me. I get into the car and drive off.
   I get to another hotel and get out of the car. I go in and ask him for a room. "What a young thing like you doing all on your own?" He asked with a smile. I gave him a dirty look "listen just one room or I can take my business elsewhere!" He looked at me and said sorry and gave me a key. "Room 221, second floor." I didn't say anything just grabbed the key and went back out to get my things. I pulled out my phone and notice that Dean had called twenty times and Sam had ten times. "Crap I'm in so much trouble." I close the door and looked over the  car just making sure the guy hadn't came out. As I was walking back to the hotel I see something On the other side of the hotel. It was shape like a person, a short person. He walked closer and I notice the long coat and then realized who it was. "Crap!" I run to the hotel room and lock the door. "Hello Kelly." I turn around and see him standing in front of the bathroom. I looked for my bag but didn't see it. "Oh sweet Kelly what are you doing all by yourself? And where would moose and squirrel be?" I rolled my eyes. "Come on Crowley you really need to pick better names for them. And they are in the main building talking to the man." He smiled knowing I was lying. "Oh Kelly, Kelly ,Kelly. Don't your mother ever teach you that lying wasn't nice?" I looked at him with angry. "And what do you now of my mother?!" I yelled. He smile and replied. "Well, apparently a lot more then you. For instance who killed her." He said with a grin.

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