chapter 6

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The next morning Kelly woke up and looked at her phone and notice she had already slept most of her morning away. It was almost ten thirty and she really need to get up.

Once she was out of the bed she walked to the main floor and saw Bobby in the kitchen but not her brother. Hey, Bobby were the guys? Bobby looked her and told her they went to see if they could find out what killed her mother. She looked at him and then to her phone. "What is it kido?Bobby asked. It nothing just that my home town thinks I had something to do with it because I ran from the police station. Bobby didn't say a word but then walked to the table. What do you remember from that night? I looked at him and really not wanting to remember, but I knew it might help the boys find the thing that killed her.

"It was night time and I was eat my dinner and mom had just went back to her room. Once I had finished I went to the living room to watch some tv. I herd something in the upstairs and then she screamed I went to her room I thought she might had fallen. But....once I ..I open the door. Sh...she was on the floor in....well. blood.

I looked at hand and my knuckles had gone white and my finger had gone deep red. I didn't know I was squeezing so tight. Bobby walked to the refrigerator  and grabbed some beer. He open it up and then another. He hand it to me, " what is this for?". You need a drink as much as I do. He said as he was giving me the beer.

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