Chapter 19

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It's been two days since Castile placed that carving on my ribs. They still hurt, he tried to heal them but I told him no. We have been searching for Crowley and haven't even came up with anything. Sam was looking for any signs on the computer and Dean went out to get food. I was in the kitchen looking at the dirty floors. " this place really needs a good cleaning ." I said looking at Sam. Bobby looked up " well, you clean it." and then looked to his books. Sam laughed and shakes his head.
" Dinner is served" Dean yelled walking in with three bags and a medium cup. Everyone comes in for lunch and grab a bag. Dean goes to the refrigerator and pulls out three beers and place them on the table. I looked at the beers and then to Dean. " No absolutely Not!" I placed my had on my stomach and give the puppy look . " Kelly" Sam said and I straight up. " you guess are more like my father then brothers. Oh and don't worry Bobby your more like a grandfather." Bobby practically spit out his drink and gave me a mean look. " I'm not that old."
Sam placed the medium cup in front of me and a bag. I took a sip ummm Dr.Pepper. I open the bag and I took out the pizza and fries. And everyone else got hamburgers and fries.
  " Any leads on Crowley?" Dean asked. Sam walked to the laptop and shock his head.  " what about Cas?" I asked. " what about Cas?" Cas said standing right behind me. Practically jumped out of my skin and almost dropped my food. "Dam it Cas." " language!" Sam and Dean said in unison.  "Have you found anything yet?" Dean asked. " No not yet . He is staying underground haven't seen him.
" we should just use me as bate." I suggested everyone looked at me in disbelief. " No! Come Kelly." Dean yelled. " come on Dean it a easy solution and a fast way to get him here and we can kill him." I Said sternly to Dean.
Everyone was looking at me and him and then I herd Sam say no. I looked him and shock my head. "Then what , what are we going to do just wait another day, week  or month for him to finally come up and then either he takes me or kills me."  I looks at Sam but he looked at Dean. I rolled my eyes and started to head to the kitchen. "And where do you think your going?" Dean yells. " doing it my way. " I yelled back.
All of a sudden I felt arms go around me and before I knew i was in the basement. Cas gave me a little push and I fall into a room. It was weird it had a bed , desk and some books and magazines. I looked up and there was some writings all over the walls. I looked back to the door and see Sam and Dean. I run to the door and Dean closes it. "What the Hell!" I scream. " we're sorry Kelly, but we can't have you go hurt your self. We will figure out how to stop him with out getting you killed or taken." Dean said. "You can't do this to me!" I said hitting the door. Sam and Dean walk back up stair. And I am left in this shit hole of a room. " Sam , Dean please!"

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