Untitled Part 28

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I looked down and see him laying on the ground he wasn't moving. I was so tired and I wanted to go back home. But I had no idea how to get out of this place. "Shit" I curse myself. "I can't believe I came here and have no idea how to get back." But true fully I didn't even think I would survive. "Come on Kelly think how are you getting out?" I close my eyes and took a deep breath " Help! Help ME !" My head starts hurting and I began getting dizzy. I loss my balance and then fell. I was in so much pain. I looked at Lucifer just to make sure he wasn't doing this to me but, he was still laying down and not moving. I close my eyes and then I blacked out.


"Kelly." A voice say. "where are you?" I hear that voice again but I can't pin point it. Then I realize where I am.... I'm home. I walk up the stairs and look in my mothers room, she is sitting on the bed. I walk to her she is patiently waiting I walk a little closer and then stop. "Mom. is that really you?" I asked. not really expecting a answer. "Yes, Kelly it is." I was shock and happy and scared all at the same time. I felt excited to see her. I run to her and then stop right in front of her I stretched out my hand and slowly touched her cheek and then slowly went down her cheek to her chin.. And then I hugged her and began to cry. "Mom I missed you. I've been looking for your killer and I found out I have brothers and then a demon came and took me and then I found out I have powers." She stopped me and nod her head. "I know sweetie." is all she said. "What you know?" I stop and looked at her she was smiling and I took a step back. "Yes, I did. I knew about the Angel and that she got pregnant with you I was awake in some parts of it. So when she left I wouldn't be scared and freaking out when I return to my body and being 4 months pregnant. She came back to me like how we are know and told me how everything was going to happen and that I couldn't interfere." I was shock I couldn't believe it. she knew everything.

"What you knew you were going to die??" I asked not wanting to know that answer. She looked down and then answered yes. I was hurt and sad. she knew with out telling me that was going to happen and that she knew who my real father and mother was and what I was. She kept it all a secret. "why didn't you tell me?" she took her hand and wipe away the tears. "aww, baby. Look, I just couldn't we didn't want the wrong people to find out. we had to keep you safe so you can do what you were suppose to do." I sit next to my mother and I cry in her lap and we talk a little more then I looked up and see her... the angel.

I jump and stood back up. "its ok sweetie." She said and come and steps around my mother. "I told her this was ok to finally tell you. She thought it was right for you to know the truth and all of it. And so did John. I looked up surprise and then see him my father. John was standing behind then both. He step forward and smiled. "You look just like your brother. He smile and so did I. "I had to make sure you were safe and that you meet your brothers. The Angel said. One by one left and It just John and I. He walks to me and looked at me a little more. "Sorry I couldn't get to know you sweetie." I hugged my father and smile in his chest. "Tell your brothers I say hi." I looked up and then it hit me. "wait, I don't know how to get back." The Angel came back and said when I wake up I'll be home. and then I was alone again.

***End of Dream***

I woke up in a bed and it definitely wasn't Crowley's place that bed was so nice. I open my eyes more and notice another bed beside mine and it was made. I slowly stand and walk around the room and it was dark. I see a shadow and I jump up and attack him. I jumped on his back and start hitting him. the man struggle to stand up and turn around and slam me into the hall. I was still weak so I fell off. He turn around and the man looked down. "Hey, Kelly its me." That voice I knew who it was...Castiel. I jumped up and hugged him and then punched him. I forgot that you never punch an Angel because it hurts bad. I shake my hand and then stand. "You left me with Crowley!" it all I could yell because I see the door open. "Dude, how many time do I have till you? Don't forget the pie." Dean yelled "I told you, they were out!" Sam said back. I started laughing and they stopped in their stacks. "Kelly." Sam said. I smiled and ran to them. "I missed you guys!" they hugged me and I hug them back. "How?" dean asked. Then castile walks up behind be and Sam and Dean look up. "It was time for her to come back." was all he said.

We talked for a while and then ate some food. "So where is Bobby I miss his grumpy self?" I asked taking a sip of coke. Dean and Sam looked at me with a sad look then Sam cleared his throat. "There is a lot that you have missed." I looked at Dean and then Sam. "What happen?" I asked standing up. Sam looked at Dean and he nod his head. Sam place his hand on my hand and squeezed it tight. "he was killed." I lost my balance and close my eyes. Dean grabbed me and sit me on the bed. "Look he went down fighting. And he would be happy to have you back." "why do I keep loosing people I love?" I asked tears coming down my cheek. Sam comes and sit by me and hugs. We sit for a few minutes and Castile left with Dean. "So what happened" Sam asked. I looked down and whisper "I had to kill Lucifer that was why Crowley took me. I had these powers. And don't freak out when I tell you..." Sam interrupted me and said. "we know your real mother was an Angel and that you had these powers." I was shock that the guys had already knew. "how? " and then Dean and Castile walks in. "I told them and so did Crowley.

I looked shocked that Crowley told them. "we were trying to find you and we went to the cross roads demon and then Crowley came and informed us what his plans were." "We couldn't stop him you had to be there." Castile said. I looked at him and got mad. "You mean you knew this whole time and you tricked me into going?" He looked me in my eyes and said yes. I made my hand into a fist and turn around and stop in my tracks and turn real fast and punched him. "Shit!" I screamed pain went up my hand and it felt like I broke it. "Kelly!" Dean and Sam yelled at the same time. Sam gave be some ice and looked at my hand. "It not broken but you are going to have a bruise. "Why did you tell me?" I looked at him and all he said was "I was told not to my your mother." I was shocked but then I realized he was talking about my Angel mother. dean

It had been two hours and Castile had left after Dean ordered him to leave. "Hey you guys, I need to tell you something." I said sitting on one of the beds. Sam and Dean looked at me from the table. "What's up?" Dean asks. I looked down playing with my sleeve. "Um so I got to talk to my mother and the Angel. After the fight with Lucifer and that was when they explained everything. And then before they left I was saw....Dad." Dean stood up and then so did Sam. "What?" Dean asked I looked up and see then looking at me. "Yeah, it was crazy, but he said he was sorry for not knowing me and told me to me to tell you guys hi and that he is proud of you boys." Dean had a smile on his face and Sam I couldn't really tell. He was happy but then again he was a little mad. Dean nod his head and went back to the table and began drinking his beer. "So Kelly Were also heard about your mother did Crowley at least tell you the truth?" Sam asked. "Yes, Sam he did. He had to that was the only way that my gifts where at its strongest. I had to be in pain. So I thought of it all. My father, mother, how she died, and you guys on how I treated you guys and I wasn't sure if I would see you." Sam pulled a chair out and then Dean went to the refrigerator and open a beer. "Here you need this. and this is the only time until your 21." Dean said holding it to his chest and then handed it to me. I laugh and we sat laughing and talking about everything. I was finally back with my family.

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