Chapter 17

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Crowley had left and Castile told me to go to my room. I didn't argue and did as I was told. He came back and handed me some water. " Are you ok?" Castile asked. I looked up at him and sarcastically said " oh yeah just peachy. A demon just introduced himself to me." I walked over to my bed and sat down taking a sip of water. " My life will never be ordinary again, will it?" I said looking down not really meaning to say it out loud. Castile looked Kelly. " Look it wi.." Castile stop taking mid sentence.
" what's wrong Cas?" I asked he looked at me and said" I'll be back." And he was gone .

I was left alone in my room. A little shaken up. And shocked that he left me after a demon had just came to say hi.  I went to my computer and put my music on and blasted it. I started to make my bed and clean up a little trying to take my mind off of what just happened.

Sam POV:
We pulled up to Bobby's drive way and Dean parks the car. I step out the car and Dean jumps out and runs to the house. Castle says that Kelly is fine but dean already ran into the house. " what happen Castile?" I asked standing in front of him. All he said was Crowley. Bobby and I run to the house and I hear Dean yelling for Kelly.

Kelly's POV:
As I was finishing my room I herd a car pull up. I looked out the window and seen the impala. I went back to listening to my music when I herd yelling down stairs. " Kelly! Kelly , where are you!" I herd Dean yelling. I put my music on pause and went to the steps Dean was in the
study room and Sam and Bobby was walking through the kitchen. " what!? I'm right here." I said running down the steps. Dean and Sam came and check me out. " what is goin on?" I asked confused. Sam and Dean looked at one another and then to Bobby. " I told them." Cas stated right behind me. I jumped a little not realizing he had come in the room. " told us what" Dean asked " Castile told us Crowley was here." Sam said
I looked behind me and then  to my brother. " look I'm fine. He didn't do anything but just talk." I said shrugging my shoulders " what did he say" Sam asked  I told them about how Crowley was looking for them two and that he used dumb nicknames but I had to laugh a little. And he was a little happy to find out you guys had a sister. They look a little worried  Bobby turn around and went to the kitchen. " where you going?" Dean asked " getting some beer we need some ,like yesterday."

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