chapter 3

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I looked at the boys like they were crazy. Dean and Sam had a shock look on their faces as well. "Let me see that book."Dean said while going for the book. He looked at it and read it twice. He then looked at Kelly and said " Well, this is just fantastic" he spat out.

I still had a shock look and began pacing the floor know. "No, no, no. You are NOT my brothers I don't even have any siblings. No. You are lying."I said while having a little panic attack. Sam and Dean was watching as I was mumbling other words and talking to my self. "Let me see that book."I damned. The brothers looked at each other and Dean gave me the book. I scan through  it top to bottom. This man had my mother's name, address and what state she lived. He even had my name and birthday written down. I turn the page and I felt a little light headed, like I was going to pass out. "You ok? You just went pale." I pulled the picture out and dropped the book. I studied  it hard and then fell to the ground. "Kelly, are you ok?" Sam had a worried sound to his voice. I couldn't take my eyes off that picture  I then felt a teardrop fall down one of my cheeks. I then had flashbacks from when I was little with my morher. We were so happy, not a care in the world. " it's a picture  of my mother and I when I was little ." I said not looking away from it.

Dean and Sam step away for a few minutes and I just sat on the bed thinking about my mother.  "I wish I knew who killed her. I want them to pay." I said to my self. I looked at the clock and it was almost midnight and I was starting to get tired.i looked out side and the guys were still talking. I went to the couch and laid down and fell asleep.

"Dean we have to take her some where safe. Staying  with us is dangerous  and we can't let anything happen to her." Sam said. Dean looked in the window and Kelly was laying on the couch. "We need to find out who or what killed her mom and take her to Bobby's house." Dean told Sam. Both boys where now looking at Kelly and they open the door and saw that she was a sleep. Sam picked her up and place her in the bed and he took the couch. Once Dean got in the bed he looked at Kelly she was out of it. Dean thought to him self " guess I am going to raise another sibling."He turned around and fell asleep.

************************* *sorry for the short chapter didn't really now what else to put next one will be longer**********************

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