Chapter 23

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I open my eyes and blink a few time and sat up . I felt the blanket come down and I look down and see that I was in a bed. I look around and notice that I was in a bedroom. "What the heck. Where am I?" I thought to myself. Then it all came back to me Crowley had taken me but I don't really know why." I got off the bed and seen cloths on a black chair that was right at the foot of the bed to the wall. I picked them up and put the black jeans on and the white shit on. I looked around the room and seen that I had a nightstand by the bed. A big dresser with a mirror, and a closet. I open a door that was on the right side of the bed. It was a huge master bath. Long sink with marble countertop there was a glass shower and a tub. The place was huge. I herd a knock at the door and I came out of the bathroom and looked at the door and another knock. "y-yes ?" I asked with hesitation. The door open and a man steps in. "Mr. Crowley will see you in the dinning room." I walk out this him and follow be hind him. We went down the hall and then came to a room with a long table that had ten chairs. the man showed me my chair. A plate was placed in front of me and a glass of juice. Crowley walked in and went to the chair at the end of the table. "Well , I hope you had a good sleep?" Crowley asked. I looked at him and answered yes. He smiled a little and began eating.

After eating a man comes back in the room and takes the plates. "Crowley can we talk about my mother? What killed her?" Crowley looked at me and then cleared his throat. " your mother is one of the souls I was so glad to have." Crowley began. "what, you have my mothers soul?" I said nervous for the answer. " No not anymore!" he said mad. "She was taken away from me, the angle that was using her as a vessel took her. See your mother had sold her soul to me but before her time was up she was killed by the ghouls and well I got her soul early. But then the Angel that was using her came and got her. It is your fathers fault. He was the one that got her killed and your other brother." Crowley said waiting for my reaction. I had to take a moment to realized what had come form his mouth. "hold on so was my mother an angel or human?" I asked Crowley smiled and then said. "your real mother is an Angel." So that is why I need you and why you are so special." I looked at him and then it hit me he said brother. "You said other brother? I only have two right?" I asked Crowley he smiled and walked close to me. "Well you see your two brothers chose each other over there new brother they found out that they had. You see Dean could have saved him but he chose to save Sam and not Adam. He saved Sam and Adam is stuck with  Lucifer." I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

I got up from my chair and looked at Crowley " I'm going back to my room." I said walking to the doors. I stoped at the door and then I looked at Crowley. "Why did you need me?" He stoped eating and looked at me with a smile. "Because love, your going to help me kill Lucifer."

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