Chapter 14

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My head was hurting from trying to figure out all of the madness. I look at my brother and then to Bobby. And think to my self" how did my life turn to this? One moment I am with my mom. Happy and excited to see what the world will bring my way. But now I am here my mother died. My home town thinks I killed her and everyone wants me to pay for it. But at least I have my brothers." I smiled at the end thinking that. Dean looked up from his book and looked at Sam " what, do I have something on my face? Dean shock his head and smiled. " what were you thinking about?" He asked coming next to me. I looked down and said" just everything how my life has change in just a matter if a month. And how I have brothers." Dean looked at me and promised they were going to figure out who killed her. Sam came in the room and with a beer in one hand a soda in the other. " I would rather have beer." I stated Sam and Dean both gave me a look that said said "No". I open the soda and began drinking and Dean drinkers his beer.

" So , what's next? Any up dates on my mother's death?" I asked looking at Sam and then to Dean. They both shocked there heads no and Dean took another sip of beer. I looked at Bobby and asked to see some of his books. He gave me the go ahead but then I herd Dean. " why do you need Bobby's books?" I looked at them both and said it was for research.  " On what?" Sam asked standing up and began to walk up to me. I looked down at some of the books and said " ghouls" Sam rolled his eyes and took the books. " WAIT! Give them back!" I screamed at Sam. He ignored me and walked to Bobby's desk and placed them back down.
" We have already went over this Kelly. You are not to look into anything involving your mothers death. We told you we will , and we will get started on that tomorrow. And when I say we I mean Dean, Bobby and I." I stared at Sam while his back is facing me and flicked him off. " Kelly!" Dean yelled and I forgot Dean was behind me. " What?! " I yelled back at Dean. Bobby looked in shock and Sam had turned around to face me now and Dean had stood up. " we will never have you work any case and that means your mother's. We have told you this. You can do research on things so just in case something might happen you can defend yourself, but that is it. No hunting!" Dean yelled.

I went back to my room and sat on my bed. I now the boys was doing this because they want me safe but I can't rest til I find out what happened to her. I grab my iPhone and place the earphones in and put some music on. Then fell to sleep.

I woke up and started to walk to the bathroom when I looked out and Deans car wasn't out there. I went down stair yelling for Bobby, there was no answer. So I walked to the refrigerator and saw that there was a note left on it.
" Kelly, had a case that came up we will be back soon. Don't do anything crazy while we are gone. There is food and cokes in the refrigerator....... Don't drink any of my beer!"
"Finally I got the place to myself. " I said with a smirk.

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