Chapter 27

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     It was dark and I couldn't see anything. Nor was there any sound. I tried to rub my eyes to see if that help but it didn't. My heart began to pound and my mind began to race. "Aww sweetie don't be afraid." Said a voice. I looked behind me and there wasn't anything. But it was still dark. "Hello." I said waiting for an answer. "Kelly, it's nice to finally meet you. I've heard so much." I can finally see a little and notice that there was will nothing. No walls, no windows , and no doors. My head starts to hurt a little, I close my eyes took a deep breath and then open them. I jumped back and screamed I looked up and see him....Lucifer.

    I couldn't  believe it , but I now who he is. And I could feel it in my bones. I slowly backed up and took a deep breath a swallow hard. "Well, I have been waiting a long time to meet you...Kelly." He said with a smile. I was frozen he, it knew my name. And he knew I would come. "You must be Lucifer?" I said hoping not to look like I was scared out of my mind. He smiled and stepped closer. "Aw sweetie you know exactly who I am." He grind. 
I walk around to see what the room looked like but I couldn't see anything. Then I decide to see if I could find some kind of weapons but there was none.
     I had to get my mind to where it needed to go. And I needed to be focused. "Did you at least say by to your brother before you came?" He asked. That was it that's what I needed. I felt the rage, I felt the power.  I left my hands up and place then on his chest he went flying back. He stood up quickly and came after me he through me and I hit a wall. I got up and looked behind me "I thought there wasn't a wall?" I thought to myself. I looked at Lucifer and see him smile. I stand my ground. "Sweet sweet Kelly. What would your mother think? What she can't." I felt the powers grow but before I could do something he hit me and I fell down. He stood right above me and punched me over and over. These were different, stronger. He was finally done and I felt weak he picked me up and sling me across the room and I it a wall with my head. I felt dizzy and my head hurts. I couldn't move I was hurting, and weak. "What a mistake. Your feel mother and Angel, your father the famous Winchester. And I get stuck with you?i mean at least your brothers were different but their mother was an Angel. But I know they could at least put up a fight." I looked up rage was so powerful. I felt hot, I could feel the power tuning through my veins. I stood up and then I slammed him against the wall. "Don't you dare talk about my family!" I got up and ran to him. I through a few punches and then finally got a hold of him. I through him against the wall. As I place my hands around his neck, my hands  turned red. I could see my veins they were glowing red. Like I had lava as blood. I watch as it went down my arm into my wrist then down into my hands. The red lava like blood went up his neck from my finger tips and into his head and down where his veins would be. Then you saw red vein like thought his body. And then I saw the life go out of his body. Lucifer was dead.

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