Chapter 16

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Sam, Dean and Bobby, pulled up next to Kelly's house. The police tape was still around the home but some had started to fall down to the ground. Sam and Bobby walked around the property to see what they can find and Dean went into the house to start the search inside.
     Once they all met back inside the house they began the search upstairs. The first room they came across was closed Dean pulled his gun out and Sam open the door. Sam walked inside and notice books on the ground and a backpack. There was a small desk with a lab top. " This must be Kelly's room." Bobby said. Dean stepped inside and looked around. " Well it's nice to know that she had a normal life before." Dean stop talking when he knew what he was about to say next. " I know." Sam said. They boys and Bobby walked out of Kelly's room went to the next one down the hall and notice that room was open. Dean stepped in and saw a bed made and clothes on the floor. The closet door was open and a little hidden apartment was open that was connected to the wall. He pulled out a small box that had picture of their father with them. Sam took the photo from Dean he looked at it and then placed it back. Their was a gun left with different types of bullets. " Well it's safe to say she knew the family secrets" Dean said looking at the wooden and salted shells . There was a note left that had Kelly's name written on it. Dean picked it up and then found another that looked like it had their fathers handwriting. Dean placed them in his jacket. " we will give these to her when we get back." Dean said. They walked out of the closet and went to the master bath they slowly open the door  and looked down , there was blood stains still on the floor. Dean and Sam looked at each other and then to Bobby.
    Once they finished looking around they started to go back to the car. " So what do we do now? It must be long gone by now." Sam said opening the front door. Body got into the car first and Dean open his door. " there was so much blood. Maybe Castile may now something." Dean said. Sam close his door. " Castile if you are listening we need your help. Its about Kelly." Dean begin to pray. The guys waited a few minutes and no answer. " Dam It Cas! We need your help!" Dean yelled.
" Dean, Sam" Cas said "Took you long enough." Bobby said. Sam looked at Bobby and then back to Cas. " what can I help you with?" Dean looked at the house then back to Castile. " do you now anything about Kelly's mother murder?" Asked Dean " sorry, but I don't I didn't even now so was your sister." Sam sigh and looked at Castile. " what took you so long?" Sam asked. Castile didn't saying anything. " Cas what took so long!?" Dean demanded " look she's ok." He began " what are you talking about?" Dean asked getting a little worried " Kelly well... she met Crowley." Castile said saying the ending a little slower. " WHAT!!! And you let her?" Dean yelled Bobby jumped out the car and slammed the door. " what did he want? Did he hurt her?" Boddy asked " no he was looking for you guys but found Kelly. Lucky I came in." Cas said. "In the car!!" Dean yelled. Everyone got in the car " where going home."

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