Chapter 24

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                       "Sam , we have to find her!" Dean yells. Everyone is back at Bobby's place looking for a way to get her back. "Why, why did Cas let her leave and meet up with Crowley?" Bobby asked looking inside books for some kind of answers. Sam and Dean looking at each other not really knowing the answer themselves. "There's nothing, no answers hell I don't even know what I am even looking." Bobby yells closing the book in frustration. Dean left to go to the kitchen and grab beers for everyone. He walks back and hands one to Sam and then Bobby. "How are going to save her? We just going to just walk down there and demand answers?" Dean asked sitting in a chair taking his hand through his hair. " I may be able to help."

                   the guys look up and see Castile standing in front of the door way. " You!!" Sam yells looking at Castile and Dean standing from his chair. "Answers now!" Dean yells. Castile looks at them both and then places his hands behind his back. "Ok so before She was born her mother had made a deal with a cross road demon. And a few years later John had came into her life. so the angles knew a way to help the people. She and angle was send to her mother and she became her vessel. After about a year John had gotten close and that was when she was conceived. And the angel stayed for a little while but then left on her first birthday. You see her mother knew the whole time, she was awake. So when she came back it wasn't a shock seeing she a child and not remembering the last two to three years. But when her mother was killed she was taken to Hell but the angel that used her for a vessel took her to Heaven." Cas finished looking at the boys. They looked at each other and then to Bobby. "Okay Cas. But why does Crowley want her?" Sam asked standing up. "Because Sam there is another way to kill Lucifer and she is it." The boys were shock by this news. They all sat down not knowing to do or say.

                   After a few minutes the boys were able to get back to reality and figure that they really need to see if they can save their sister. " you must let her do this , this was why she was born." Castile said "No! she can get killed and I am not letting her do this." Dean finished packing and Sam and him began walking out the door.  "So where are we going?" Sam asked getting into the car.  "Figuring out how to get her back." Dean said driving out of the drive way. After about two hours they came to a stop. The boys got out of the car and walked to the four way. "Really Dean you want to talk to the cross roads demon?" Sam looking at him shock. "You know they wont say a thing, or just lie." Dean didn't listen and started to dig a little and grabbed the box, place his picture and place the box back into the whole and place the dirt back into on top of it.  They guys waited but no one came. They looked at each other and then looked around , but still nothing. "Where are they?"

                 "What do you two want?" A voice said behind them

                  "We want our sister back!" Sam demanded

                 " Oh boys come on, that is one thing I can't he you with. You see Crowley needs her at the moment." The demon said smiling a little

                 " We don't care we will trade her for one of our souls." Dean said.

                " Ha, sorry boys, that is just not possible." Sam and Dean looked over and see Crowley standing to the side. "I can't let you have her at the moment I need her. But once I am finished you can have her. Don't worry she is in good hands I wont let her die." Crowley leaves and the boys are standing alone.

                             They got back into the car and headed back to Bobby's place. Once there they got out and walked into the door. Dean grabbed a few beers and handed one to the other guys. And he sat next to Sam in a chair. "I can't believe this is happening. What so we have to let Crowley keep her and hope he keeps his word and not kill her? And what happens haft will he let her go or will kill her after ?" Sam looked at Dean and seen the look on his face saying he had no idea and he was just scared. "Did you find anything Bobby?" Dean asked. Bobby looked a this book and then looked at the guys. "Well I did read that and Angle and a vessel of a very strong Angle like your blood line has a baby. The child can have very strong gifts. And that may even meaning killing Lucifer." Bobby finished  They all didn't know what to do either the hope that Kelly will be safe "What, Gifts I never seen any supernatural gifts from her and I don't even think she knows that she has any?" Sam said looking at Dean. "Well she does." Castile says standing in the door way. "What are you doing here?" Dean ordered "I am her to let you guys know not to worry. She has gifts and that Crowley isn't going to have her much longer." Sam stood up  "what do you mean?"   Castile didn't say anything else and left the room. "What was that all about?" Dean wonder.

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