chapter 7

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After my drink I went to the kitchen and looked at the clock and notice it was already 1 o'clock in the afternoon. I didnt know I had slepped in that late. Two hour later Sam and Dean had return back. Sam grabbed a drink and sat on a chair and Drean was on the couch with his. I looked at the three guys and notice that I really have hot brothers.

I snapped out if that thought and shock my head. " I can believe I just thought that." I said to myself. I pulled out my phone and an alert came up. It said " warrent out for Kelly, it wanted for the murder for her mother. If any infomation on her were about please call the sheriff office."

I turn off my phone and throw it on the couch. " whats wrong Kelly" Sam asked walking to me. I didnt respond and just walked to my room.
I grabbed my bag and placed some cloths in it. I herd Sam and Dean come up the step. I grabbedy shoes and placed them in the bag . "Hey Kelly, whats going on?" Sam asked at the door. I placed the exra pair on and zipped the vag up. "Everythings fine." I yelled Dean came to the door and tried to turn the door knob. "Come on Kelly ipeb this door now!" Dean yelled. I knew he was mad and opened the window and jumped out. I stared to run and I looked behind me and saw Bobby coming threw the door.

Then I herd Sam and Dean coming behind him. I ran to the road and started to go home. I needed to now who or what killed her and I dont want to put them in danger.

Sam and Deans SisterWhere stories live. Discover now