: seventeen

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emily's pov

i leaned in and finally kissed her. those pink, soft, kissable lips, i kissed them. i kissed her like i've never done to anyone ever before, as a flood of memories of me wanting to kiss her came rushing back. there was a chemistry with it. our lips felt perfect, like they we were meant to be.

i told hanna about it. and she seemed way more excited than me. she jumped up and down and kept on hugging me. she would keep on yapping about how cute we were together.

alison's pov

after, emily kissed me she told me that she had to leave. she was probably embarrassed, but she had nothing to be embarrassed about. she left me there. just shocked. and i was really happy. i know emily probably didn't notice, 'cause i know how to keep my cool, but my stomach did about a million somersaults when our lips touched.

+ a few days l8r +

so, since our kiss, emily has been extra close to me. and i can't say i hate it. no, she never mentioned it, but it's nice that she can feel so trusting of me. sometime when we walk, she intervenes put fingers. my heart always takes a long leap when she does that.


"so, what should we do?" aria asks. "you know, since it's the end of 11th grade."

everyone thinks in silence.

"should we do a party or a sleepover?" i ask, disrupting the silence.

"hmm.," i hear emily. i look at her and she's biting her lip, which is super attractive.

i scoot closer to her, but she doesn't even notice. i move  even closer. still...nothing. she just keeps on talking.i put my hand on her leg. she sees me and just smiles. that's just not enough. i know it's a long shot, and i'm probably taking it just a liittttllee to far. i slowly slide my hand up her thigh. she then gasps.

"you okay, em?" spencer asks. hanna just smirks.

"y-yeah," she stutters. "i just need to go to the restroom. i smile to myself and continue on to the conversation.

"let's do a party! yeah?" i ask.

"yeah!" they all agree.

emily's pov

"hmm," i say thinking, while biting my lip. "if we do the party, we need to find a way to sneak  in the beer,"i giggle, as they laugh.

"we should do a party! sleepovers are lame!" hanna tells me as i lightly laugh.

suddenly, i feel a hand on my leg. it was ali. i don't mind, i'm just a little busy, talking to the girls. i smile at ali. i go back to talk to the girls, then i feel her hand in my upper thigh. i gasp loudly, obviously making a sound.

"you okay, em?" i hear spencer ask. hanna smirks, she obviously knows why i gasped.

"y-yeah," i say, mentally slapping myself for stuttering.


i pace back and forth, biting my lip. thinking of why ali did that. no, it's not like i was mad at her. i was just a little confused. that's all. i finally stop and look into the mirror. i splash my face with some water. i smile at myself and start to leave, until i hear the door open. i looked to see who it was and of course. it was hanna.

"hey, han" i say, trying to leave, knowing what she'll bring up.

she blocks me. "i saw what ali did to you," she sing-songs.

"w-what?" i ask. "i d-don't know what y-you're talking about."

"yes, you do! you're biting your lip and stuttering. you're nervous!"


"are you and ali dating?"

"what? no!"

"have you guys kissed again?"

i roll my eyes.

"are y'all official?"

"no! no, hanna we're not...we haven't kissed again..or anything," i mumble the last part.

"em, you have to do something!" she tells me.

"what do you mean?" i ask, confused.

"step. up. your. game!" she says.

"how do i do that?" i ask.

"do what ali does. i don't know. make a move." she shrugs.

"ughh. hanna, why do you always have to push me to do things i don't want to do?" i whine.

"shut up, em. you know want to do that!" she smirks. i don't respond. i just smile, knowing she's right.


hanna and i leave the restroom and i sit right next to ali as she grins.

"so, we've decided to do a party!" mona tells me.

"great!" i say.

i move even more closer to ali, while she plays with my fingers underneath the table.


the bell rang for last period. thank god!

i walk down the stairs of the front school yard. i'm on my phone with my earphones , until i feel someone's hand on my shoulder. i look behind me, and  saw ali. i removed my earplugs. "hey, ali!" i say.

"h-hey, em," she says pushing her hair behind her ear. she stuttered. when i'm nervous, i stutter. do i have the same affect on her?

"what are you doing?" i ask.

"nothing. just about to go to my house."


"ugh. i don't want to, though. it's just so boring."


"and, it's so..boring."


"how about you come over?" she asks. i finally got the message.

"oh. yeah, yeah." i say, keeping myself from smiling.

"great," she says looping her arm with mine.


we went up to her room, as ali dragged me up there. before we went in, she pushed me. i pushed back and so did she.

we both wrestled eachother until we landed on the bed laughing.
she landed on top of me. after, we both stopped laughing we just looked at eachother. i stared deep into her ice blue eyes.

i know this was the perfect time to "make my move" but i just couldn't.

hanna's advice replayed in my head, over and over, but i just couldn't move. i didn't take any action.

luckily, alison could. she leaned in and kissed me passionately. at first, i was a little shocked, and i didn't know what to do. last time alison, and i kissed, it was a peck. and normally, when ben kissed me, he did most of the work.

alison's pov

i pushed my tongue against the inside of her mouth loving the way her body tensed as the pressure increased. she moaned, putting her arms around my neck. i helped her, rocking her harder against my body. my hands came around her back, and i tried to get all of her to press against me. i’d never felt so alive as when that girl, that perfectly strange girl who i’d only met months before, was near me. i could almost believe her heartbeat was my own as her tongue danced with mine. i increased the pressure, cupping her chin with my hand. i moved my lips down her neck and behind her ear. alternating between trailing hot kisses down her neck and blowing against the coolness my kisses left when my lips released their hold. damn, i wanted to bite her. i wanted to keep tasting her over and over again until i had no strength left.

i flipped over and panted.

"damn, ali," she says sweaty, even though it was just a makeout session.

ugh, i can't even imagine, what it'll be like when she actually has sex.

the first time i saw you ↬ emisonWhere stories live. Discover now