; thirty two

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emily's pov

the next day, of course, i woke up grumpy. i rolled over and found a sleepy ali.

i left the bed and started to stretch. k wiped some drool. i tried to wake up ali.

i moved her gently. "ali, ali," i whisper.

k move her a little more, powerful. "come on, wake up," k say groggily.

ali gets up and rubs her eyes. "ugh, why did you wake me up?"

"because it's sorta, like 11 a.m already," i chuckle.

"well, if you didn't know, i sleep in on Saturdays."

"oh. sorry," i laugh.

"but..." she says. "I guess I'll wake up, this time."

i laugh and pull the covers off of her.

she gets up and i lean in for a kiss, but she dodges.

"nope. morning breath," she says, heading straight to the restroom.

"okay," i laugh.

she closes the door and i hear the water running.

i smile and start to change out of my clothes, and take some of the clothes that i left other sleepovers .

she has them in a small drawer with a post-it note that's titled, 'emily.'

i open in and find a black v-neck and a red, plaid flannel jacket with black skinny jeans.

i take them out and start to undress starting with my pants. after, i do my shirt and feel a strange feeling that someone is watching.

i turn slowly, and see alison biting her lip and smirking -- staring at me. she catches me looking at her and starts to apologize as i quickly cover myself with the jacket, embarrassed and blushing.

"i- i'll wait in the bathroom," she says, thumbs pointing to the other direction. "sor-"

"n-no, no it's, it's fine." i say.

"you sure?" she asks, a little unconvinced.

"u-yeah," y sat.

she sucks her lips and smiles and walks over to the bed and sits, raising her shoulders up. i turn back away and start to put my jeans on. i can feel her eyes on me and once i turn back again, to grab my shirt, i realized that her eyes are glued to my ass. i blush so crazily, that when i looked into the mirror, my cheeks turned so red that it could show through my tan skin.

i  put on my shirt and jacket. i sit back on the bed and feel a bit awkward.

"you know," she began. "i don't have morning breath anymore."

i feel a smirk creep on my face. she leaned in ands started to kiss me, softly. our mouths collided in the middle, sorta how our relationship was, not official, but we knew we were each other's soulmates. my fingers dug in alison's perfect, soft, and blonde hair. she wrapped her hands around my neck, and I just couldn't stop kissing her. it was like time stopped for me, the sun stopped shining, the earth stopped moving, and my heart stopped beating.
i feel her smile on my lips, and i softly laugh with her.

she pulls away and we stare deep into each other's eyes.



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