Chapter 2

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I am at home with my little baby boy, James. Adam was suppose to be home about an hour ago. I'm trying not to get worried but as the storm outside gets louder and louder my anxiety rises in your chest. James won't stop crying. The thunder is scaring him making him scream louder every time lightening strikes. Rocking him back and forth  holding him close to me. Shushing in his ear nothing seems to be helping right now. I have already called Adam at least a hundred times. Sitting in the  living room I've been waiting for Adam to come home. I finally getting James to calm down when the thunder comes to a low sound for a few minutes. All of a sudden there is a loud BOOM, the lights go out and James starts screaming again. You have to be kidding me. Not a minute later the lights flicker on again. I sigh with relief.  This anxiety makes me want to throw up. Hearing a rustling at the door I jump. Standing up with James wrapped in my arms, Adam comes in sobbing wet.
"Where have you been? I have been so worried." Every tense muscle in my body relaxes.
"My car got flooded coming home. I had to walk home all the way from that yellow restaurant building."
"Oh my gosh that is at least 5 miles away. Baby come in and get dry." I continue to rock James grabbing Adam's arm pulling him away from the entrance.
"I'm so glad you okay but why didn't you call me? I could have came and got you." I imagine him walking home in this bad storm.
"My phone was practically destroyed in the rain. I will probably have to get a new phone." His teeth are shattering.
"Baby, just strip down here. I'll put your clothes in the dirty down here. You can run upstairs and get some warm of clothes on." I sigh. He nods in agreement. You exam him and his lips are almost blue.
He then starts peeling off his sobbing wet clothes. A puddle is forming under him. Taking off his jacket he drops it on the floor. The thunder seems to be calming down thankfully. James is finally settling to a tolerable whine. I continue to rock him as Adam continues to strip down. Adam looks at me with sad eyes.
"How long has he been crying?" He asking looking down to his son.
"Since the first sound of thunder. He hates it."
"I don't blame him." He retorts, as he peels off his shirt then then moving his hands to unzip him jeans. Kicking off his shoes.
"He wouldn't stop screaming. He is finally calming down, but I bet you as soon as thunder cracks again that's it."
He pulls down his jeans with a series of tugs.  Bringing his boxer briefs down with them. Relieving his cute little butt. He shivers from the cold air hitting his now naked body.
"Now go upstairs and put on some warm clothes." I order him and he doesn't hesitate to jog upstairs. I watch his little butt jiggle going up the stairs. I can't help but giggle.
The sound of lightening cracking booms again. My moment of relief is over when James starts to scream again. This night is never going to end. I pick up Adam's drenched clothes with my free hand off the floor. Throwing them into the dirty clothes basket I continue the rocking motion that is doing nothing to help the fact that he is screaming. I decide to follow Adam upstairs guessing I might as well try to settle down for the night. It is pretty late already. Grabbing James's bottle I  go upstairs. Going into our bedroom,  Adam is slipping on a shirt over his head.
"Hey," I whisper softly, trying not to startle him.
"Hey, you going to bed?" He asks looking straight into my eyes then down to James.
"I'm going to at least try." The corner of my mouth lifts into a faint smile.
"Okay, well come here." He gestures me to come towards him. The storm starts to slow and with that James starts to quiet down with it. Adam pulls backs the blankets and scoops James from my arms. He looks at him with true happiness. Then looking up at me he smiles leaning in for a kiss. I press my against his, interlocking lips he then slips the tip of his tongue into my mouth. I pull back and opening my eyes. He grins, then looks back down at James who is now silent, chewing on his fist.
Climbing into bed I cuddle up under the blankets, I'm am truly exhausted.
Adam switches off the light with a dew of the moon being the only light in the room. James whines a little but Adam looks down at him, shushing him letting him take his finger. James giggles now chewing at Adam's finger. I can't help but smile from my two boys being so adorable.
Adam kneels onto the bed leaning over just enough to lay James in the middle of the bed. Then laying down he puts his arm around James like a little bubble of just Adam and I.
Both of us admire the cute little creature in between us. Looking up at each other we both smile in sync. Adam leans in giving me another little kiss. Interrupted by James yawning making the cutest sound ever. Adam and i giggle softly. He kisses his cheek and James eyes falls into asleep.

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