Chapter 6

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Today I had planned on going to the nail salon to get my nails repainted. Adam has a full day of other plans. "Have a great day at work, babe" I lean in to kiss him.
"Thanks, I love you. Have fun today." He pecks a kiss again backing out of the drive way I wave to him and he blows me a kiss. I am really going to miss him today. I was hoping he would spend the day with me but work called and needed some more recordings to finalize the music section of the new album. Going back inside I throw on some comfortable clothes for causally going out. Being in the house alone is so lonely without him.

Grabbing my purse and keys, I head out the door locking the door behind me. The drive to the nail salon isn't that long away from where we live. About five blocks away, with no traffic which was very usual. Arriving at the nail salon, I park a little ways away from the building to have nice little walk. It's a nice day out so why not enjoy it taking the longer way to the building. I lock up my car and slowly make my way to the door.
There are paparazzi standing outside the door taking pictures. How did they know I way here? Passing them I smiled and waved. They kept asking me 'Where is Adam?' When all I could think to ask was how they knew I was coming? I think I should change the day I come now. Opening the door I step inside with my head down. I really don't want any more pictures to be taken.
"Hello ladies, how are you girls?" I ask look down now into my purse for a piece of gum.
"We're doing good. You?" The owner of the place asks, we both have became friends sense I have started coming here more often.
"I could be better. Adam's working today when I thought we were going to hangout today but work." Im still digging through my purse. Finally finding my pack of gum. "Found it" I whisper to myself. Looking up I smile at the owner, and there is five women in the pedicure seats and one man. It's Adam. It didn't take my two seconds for me realize who it was. He is smiling at me with his beautiful teeth and lips. "Surprise!" He waves. I grin in shock but more happy and excited than anything. "Don't you have work?" Raising my eyebrow at him.
"There's always tomorrow for that." He smiles.
"Are you sure?" I really don't want him to get in trouble just to hang out with me today.
"Yeah I made some calls and rescheduled to make it tomorrow" the woman dries his feet and puts the foam flip flops on him. Getting up he wobbles towards me with this arms out open for a hug.

Paparazzi must be eating this up right now. I meet him half way and hug him tightly. His scent takes over my senses. His touch fills the gap in the heart when he was gone. He pulls back and I peck a quick kiss.
"Are you ready to get your nails did?" His voice is full of sassy.
"Bitch take me with youuuu"
"Bitch I'll take you with meee" we crack up laughing.
"You two are so adorable."says the woman in the seat that was next to Adam.
I smile putting my hand over my heart. "Awww thank you" I grin. And she winks.

One of the workers wave us over to two seats next to each other. Adam takes my hand and leads me to the seat.
"I still can't believe your here" I say softly.
"I felt bad, Ya know? I have been gone all the time doing work and I wanted to spend time with you." He asks quietly answers back.
"I understand you have to work, though"
"Well you said it yourself when you came in. Your day would be better if I was here" he presses his lips into a hard line.
"Every second with you makes my day better but I understand you have to do things. I have things I do also but you don't complain. I should so the same" I don't want him to feel like she has to cancel work to be with me.
"It isn't anything horrible to want to spend time together. I was being serious there is always tomorrow for work." We both have our hand out in front of us with the women working on our nails, he leans over his shoulder and I lean towards him also, he gives me a big kiss.
"Thank you for coming with me today" I smile.
"Well today hasn't even started for you today so don't thank me-" he pauses "yet." He winks at me and I knew exactly what he meant and I giggle .

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