Chapter 8

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Adam and I are spending the holidays in Indiana with his family. Spontaneously, I suggest that Adam and I should go ice skating on their lake. His family has a house that has a good size lake on their land. He doesn't hesitate to accept. Bundling up in layers of warm clothes.

"I'm ready." I turn towards Adam. He chuckles
"Are you warm enough?"
"Yes, and we better leave before I start sweating." I laugh.

Going out to the lake we take off our shoes and slip on your ice skates. I leap up sliding onto the ice. Stumbling a little on the the rough surface. Looking over my shoulder Adam is looking at me with pure joy, love, and calmness in his eyes. I grin at him relaxing my shoulders when all of a sudden I fall through the ice into the lake. I scream. Trying to keep myself above water but it's so cold that I'm out of breath, feeling almost frozen.

"Oh shit." Adam jumps skating over me. He hooks his hands under your underarms and lifts me out of the water in one try. Holding me out in front of him I'm now above the water and inches over the ice surface.

"Are you okay?" Adams eyes are now full of worry, and concern.
"Yeah, but I'm might turn into an ice cube." My teeth start to chatter.
"We should get you inside." He still has me out in front of him and he moves away from the hole. Going to the side of the lake he set me down stripping off his coat.
"Take off your clothes" he said pointing to my clothes.
"Adam, no then you will be cold." I shiver some more. "Just take them off." He demands, in a gentle but firm manner.
"Okay." I take off my coat and scarf.
"Take your shirt off also. Don't worry no one is here." He is now bare chested in the below zero weather. He hands me his clothes and takes my wet ones. He couldn't fit my jacket even if he tried. I slip on his jacket handing him back his shirt. "I don't want you to freeze off your nipples" I wink at him, giggling.
"How are you still cracking jokes even after you fell into a freezing lake?" He smiles chuckling.
"I have no idea, but let's get back to the house or I might freeze off my nipples with you." "Now we can't have that." He grabs my hand and starts running to the house.

Running up to the door, we fly in though the door.
"What happen out there? You weren't out there for that long," Leila grabs up the wet clothes from Adam.
"She fell into the lake, she was skating and fell through," we're both gasping for breath.
"Oh my honey as you okay? Your hair is frozen,"

I haven't even took the time to notice that my hair is frozen. Bring my hands to my hair it is rock solid.
"Both of you need a hot shower," she pushes us along to go up stairs. Going to the guest room we are staying in, ADAM shuts the bedroom door behind us as we almost leap to the bathroom. I turn the water as far as it will go and I start to strip off my clothes. Adam follows behind not to long after me. Steam is rolling out from the shower/tub. Standing there both naked were both shivering, looking at Adam his lips are almost blue. It is so dangerous to be almost naked outside at this temperature.

"I think it's okay to get in now," I step in, letting the water hit me. My body feels like it is quickly defrosting. My hair relaxes around my face and I let out a long breath.
"Your turn," I let Adam under the water.
"Oh my gosh this feels so good."
I laugh. "Yeah, let's just say the lake is not ready to skate on,"
"Not for awhile," he laughs as we proceed to wash ourselves before getting out.

For the rest of the day we stayed in bed cuddled up under our blankets trying to keep warm. Watching movies, eating snacks.
"All of those outside activities can wait until later," Adam chuckles, looking down at me.
I giggle nodding in completely agreeing.

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