Chapter 4

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It's a cool spring day, the sky is covered with pure white clouds. The wind rustles thought the leafs in the trees with a sound that tickles my ears. Sitting on a hill at the park. Adam is looking out onto the town down below as I watch him. He looks calm and relaxed a way he hasn't felt in a while with the tour he has been on the past few months. "Babe, I love you." He says out of the blue. "What?" I ask confused. "I said. I love you." Making himself clear he still hasn't turned to look at me until just now. He has never said those word until now. I am stunned. I don't say anything. I am in a state of shock.
"Babe, I mean it. You know we have been together for a while now and I know at this moment. Looking over the town on this beautiful day with you being so beautiful. That I am deeply in love with you."
I still don't say anything. "I know it is hard for you but at least accept the fact that I love you. You don't have to say it back but I hope one day you could say is back with confidence and not just to say it to make me happy." He crests my cheek looking straight into my eyes almost feeling like he is looking into my soul. Thinking over everything we have been through so many thing that fill my heart and fills until overflowing. The nights out for dinner and the nights in watching reruns of 'Friends' all night in your pajamas. Feeling so comfortable around him like I can be my true self. This can't just be the feeling of liking someone this is so much more. I blurt out. "I love you. Too." Choking out the last part. I mean it with all your heart but will he believe me? I think over as soon as I say it.
"You don't have to say it because I did." His eyes soften. His lips press into a hard line.
"I mean it. I love you." I say again with more confidence in my voice. I can see his eyes processing. His lips turn up into a smile then flashing his perfect teeth. "I mean it with all my heart I haven't felt anything like this with anyone else but you." I continue.
"Really?" A tear runs down his cheek. I smile, rushing to wipe his tear away with the tip of my thumb.
"Babe, don't cry." I whine a little feeling bad for making him cry.
"I never thought you would ever say those words." He sniffles. He leans toward. Putting his hands on my cheeks pulling you into a kiss. My heart races. His lips interlock with mine. After about he minute he pulls away. "I love you." He whispers.
"I love you more." I whisper back.
"I love you most." He leans his body towards me laying me in the ground, I giggle. He pressed his lips against him again and that flutter I felt when we first kissed is still there and always has been and hopefully will never leave.

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