Chapter 10

181 4 9

Adam's POV
Five minutes and I have to go to out on the red carpet. I can't keep hiding from the crowds I need to get out there, but on the other hand I would rather stay here in the bathroom alone. There is a knock at the door. "Just a minute." I yell back. Looking in the mirror I fix my newly colored hair and unlock the door not opening it yet. I take a deep breath. "Show time." I said into the mirror for the last time then opening the door. Trophy in hand and other hand in my front pocket I walk to the brim on the red carpet paparazzi is snapping pictures already. I never liked the flashing lights and for a while I got use to it but this is just really getting on my nerves. I feel like I'm going to have an anxiety attack but I smile and keep moving. 'You can do this. You can do this.' I keep telling myself. My hands start to shake. 'Fuck this' you think to yourself dipping my head down I book it off the red carpet. Dodging all of the pictures and the people interviewing. Getting to the side walk on the edge of the road. My breath starts to quicken I think I am hyperventilating. Is this hyperventilating? I don't know but it feels like my lungs are going a hundred miles an hour. Pulling out my keys I hustle to my car. Getting into my car I turn on the engine and blast the music. All the paparazzi Is busy with covering the red carpet so this is the perfect time to make a run for it as loud as I want too. Listening to my music for a minute with my eyes close taking a few deep breaths. Opening my eyes I put the car into reverse and back out without hesitance. Shifting into drive I hit the gas making my tire scream against the ground. Blasting my music even louder I move to beat as I leave turning into the street. I can feel the anger and dark emotions take over me. I stop moving to the music and my face goes blank. Speeding down the street I don't give one fuck. I'm done.

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