Chapter 5

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Adam has set up a special dinner some where to surprise me. He told me to dress up really fancy. Being here in Paris I knew he had big plans but nothing as fancy as this. I slip on a floor length dress that hugs my hips just right, strapless, and is a beautiful blue color. It feels soft and good thickness, so if it was cold it would keep you a little warm, as you run your hands down my stomach. My hair is slicked up into a tight sock bun. Making my  makeup flawless to make my eyes pop. Last but not least I slip on a pair of black heels. Making myself at least five inches taller but compared to Adam I'm still pretty small. He is getting ready in the bathroom so both of us are  surprised by each one another appearances. There is a knock at the bathroom door.

"Babe, are you ready?" A muffled sound comes from behind the door. "Yes, I'm ready!" I call back to him. I hear the unlocking of the door and he comes out looking like a million bucks and hell that suit might be a million bucks just by the looks of it.
"Oh my... You look absolutely beautiful." His eyes went wide scanning my body. "Thank you. You look like a stud yourself." I grin. He is silent just looking up and down at my body. "Hun, are you okay?" I giggle waving my hands around to get his attention. "Yeah," He blinks a few times then comes back to reality.
"I'm not sure I'm going to be able to focus on anything else tonight other than you look absolutely gorgeous. Can we just cancel plans tonight and stay here?" He ask, still not looking into my eyes anymore going back into a trance.
"No, we can't skip our plans. I still don't even know what or where it is yet. I could change into a sweat shirt and jeans if you want." I giggle.
"You might have too. But you would still look gorgeous." He looks like he is about to drool all over his suit.
"Okay lover boy. Let's go." I giggle, going over to him I hook my arm around his. He shakes himself out of his trance and walks to the door.

"Babe, you are going to love tonight while going out but when we get home... It will be a night you will never forget" he whispers in my ear as we leave the hotel room.
I shiver and my whole body becomes tender... Wow.

Leaving the hotel I am already being stared down by the workers and the people at the desk. I strut with my head held high. As Adam notices that I am being looked at by almost everyone he puts his hand on my hip and pulls me against his side. Letting everyone know that I am his and nobody else's. Looking up at him he had this hard look on his face.
"Adam, relax. Smile or something. Why are you frowning." I take my finger pushing his cheeks to form his lips into a smile.

"I am fine just everyone keeps looking at you so I need to make sure they know you are mine." He looks down at me and his eyes soften.
"Well since you want them to know so bad."

Now we both have made our way outside and people are still staring at me. There are a ton of people who are walking by on this Saturday night.

I take Adam by the collar of his suit jacket and crash my lips into his. He is surprised and almost pulls away for a second but relaxes and puts his hands on my hips. Gripping his big hands tightly on my hips I jump a little towards him. Slipping his tongue across my bottom lip I gasp opening my mouth for his entrance. Making a few laps I pull away breathless.
"Do you think they believe that I'm yours now?" I smirk.
"Not just yet." He grins leaning in for another kiss. There is a whistle from behind him. I pull away giggling. He beck's another kiss and takes my hand.
"They believe you now" I giggle again.

Wiping the corner of my mouth with my index finger. That was amazing all I  want to do is take him back up to the hotel and pin him onto the bed and take him.
Proving myself to have amazing self control we both finally make it to the Eiffel Tower.
"Oh my gosh! Why are we here?" Im in sincere shock.
"We are having dinner on top of the Eiffel Tower." He smiles down at me taking my hand to help me down the stairs.
Making our way to the Eiffel Tower we  both take the elevator up to the top. Adam holds my hand through every move we make.
Setting at the a beautiful table that has everything set up perfectly like it took months of training to master. The table is covered in a white table cloth. Adam pulls out my chair for me and I take a seat.
"Thank you." I smile up at him. I haven't said much because the beauty of the view has distracted me.
The moonlight shines on me as I look out into the city that is glowing. Im not the biggest fan of heights but at this time being here makes my fears disappear.
"This is absolutely beautiful." I admire the view more.
"Not as beautiful as you." Looking over at Adam he hasn't turned his head to look at the view. All he is focused is on me. I giggle.
"Thank you for bring me here. This is amazing." I smiles at him and his smiles flashes back at me.
"Anything for you, babe."
The waiter comes and Adam orders the best wine in the house. The waiter brings back a white wine pouring our drinks he gives us menus and walks away.
Adam then holds up his wine glass.
"I'm toasting to my beautiful wife on our one year anniversary. This has been the best year of my life and wouldn't change it for the world. Also toasting to the future buns in the oven that will probably be put in tonight-" I  choke on the air and he just laughs. Why is he talking about this now, at dinner, in public. I laugh and my cheeks flush. He goes one "I just want to thank you for shaping me into the person that I am today. I couldn't ask for anything thing better than you. Cheers." Tapping your glasses together we both take a sip of our wine. Oh my this is good.
"I would like to make a little toast also. I would like to thank my handsome husband for being the most dedicated baby maker-" I laugh almost losing all control by my own joke and Adam chokes on the air like I did seconds ago and I smirk at him "but on the flip side for being the most patient, caring person I know. Dealing with me even at my craziest. I love you babe." I smile at him holding up my glass.
"Cheers" he taps his glass against mine. Taking a sip we both let out a sigh in sync.
"Tonight couldn't get any better." He whispers under his breath. "Well said. We are going to have a night we will never forget." I raise my eyebrow. He chuckles. "That's true and I wasn't lying." He smirks.
We both take a good gulp of our wine and set it down. Adam reaches across the table taking both of my hands in each of his. He kisses the back of each of my hands. Even though we have been married for a year already the butterflies in my stomach and the chills I get when he touches me hasn't changed. That electric I felt from day one still hasn't faded.
One night in Paris... A year in paradise...

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