Chapter 11

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Sitting across Adam he is focused in his music. Looking down at his iPad thing. I have never been been up to date with the technology. He is humming to something I'm not sure what it is because he has let me listen to the music yet. He says he wants it to be perfect before he lets me hear it. All today I have only saw his lips moving and secretly I have made out a few words but I don't want him to make me cover my eyes because the look of his lips while he sings and talks is so sexy. Sitting here I'm just admiring him and his graceful motions. "Adam," I sigh with my chin on my hand. "Yes?" He looks up with his crystal blue eyes. His friend on the couch leaves the room. "When will you let me hear a song?" I pout, but my eyes are in a trance just looking at him and having that connection made of steal I can feel every second I'm with him. "Well. Well come here." He stands up waving me to follow him. I react for his hand and he gives my hand a little squeeze of reassurance. He walks into the little cube area where he records. Letting go of my hand he digs through a mountain of unorganized papers. "Here." He hands me a few papers full of his hand writing. "What is this?" I ask looking at it looks like a letter. "It's for you. Just go and read it and then come back tell what you think." He fillets with his hand looking down at the floor. "Um okay." I take the note and leave the recording cube and the studio completely into the main building.  Going into the women's restroom. I lean against the wall and start to read. As I get deeper into the letter tears fall from my eyes.
I go to the door and lock it. Falling to the floor I curl up into a ball and cry more and more. It's like my eyes are a rushing waterfall. The note confessed his love for me even thought I put him through so many obstacles. How I pushed him away so many times and how he felt when he was away from me. How that he saw me through my problems. Telling me how much he loves me and no matter what he knows that I'm the one for him. There was one sentence that keeps running through my mind 'I love you and I know you feel the same, I see it in your eyes so no matter what happens I will fight for you.' I sob quietly and I sit the letter on the floor. I need to act like a regular person. Why can't I accept his love? Why can't I just let him in 100%? Why am I so scared to commit?
After spending a few more minutes in the bathroom I stand up looking to the mirror. I look like a mess. Wiping my eyes I look decent I guess. Unlocking the door I jump to find Adam leaning against the wall. He has his head down and his arms crossed. He then looks up when I come out. "I read it." I lift the letter into the air and bring it back down to my side. "Do you believe that I Love you?" He bats his eyelashes as he talks. I can't even answer because my throat closes and tears return streaming down my face. I have my head down and I run into him, wrapping my arms around his waist with my head in his chest. He hugs back with a tight squeeze. Kissing the top of my head I let out a sob. "Let's go home." He whispers and I nod.

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