Chapter 12

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Today is the day Adam and I are finally moving in together after months of planning. Honestly I was putting it off for a while because this is a big step. If things go wrong I'm the one to move out, not him. He is the only one who can afford this house by himself. That's scary. I'm sitting in the floor unpacking the last box. I never liked moving and probably never will. When I pack I go through everything which ends up taking me down memory lane for hours among hours. I hear heavy footsteps coming towards me. Adam isn't here, he is picking up a few lose things at my old apartment. "Hello?" I say timidly. I had a odd feeling about this house just by looking at it. Don't get me wrong it is a beautiful house but something is up.
"Adam is that you?" I say out into the open air and the footsteps stop. I get up grabbing my belt that I just unpacked. Holding both ends in one hand I have my hand in the air ready to hit someone with it. Looking down the stair case nobody is there. Going do the hallway my eyes search the house. When all of a sudden two pick hands tickle my sides and I jump. I scream, Stringing a long time of curse words in Spanish. "You gave me a heart attack!" I smack his arm with my hand. "Sorry I just wanted to scare you" he chuckles. "Well mission accomplished..." I glare at him And he pecks a kiss smack dap on my lips. "You can be an ass at times you know that?" I giggle. "It's what I do." He chuckles. Adam and I unload the things from his car. "Can you help me find some sheets for the bed please?" It's getting late and both or use are just running on fumes. I feel like my knees are going to give in any second now. "Yeah I think they are downstairs." He says with a sleepy voice. "Okay thanks." I flop onto the sheet-less bed on the floor. We haven't had the energy to put together the bed frame yet.
As I'm laying there face first into the bed a loud crash comes out of no where with no certain direction the sound came from. "Adam! Are you okay?" I hear loud foot steps at the staircase again. Adam swings around the corner. "Are you okay?" He asks with wide eyes full of concern. "What was that?!" I jump up from the bed. "I don't know. I thought you did that" his eyes are still wide. "Maybe it's was the neighbors." I sigh trying to make up a good explanation for the startling sound. "Let's just get to bed, I'm exhausted," I add. He slowly approaches the bed with sheets, and a blanket in his hands. "Okay," he sigh throwing the pile of sheets onto the bed. Making the bed we finally lay down for the night. I cuddle up next to him laying my head in his bare chest. "I'm so happy we finally have a place together," he sighs "Yeah so am I" i adjust my body to his. As the night goes on and we slowly drift into asleep after talking for about an hour. There is a knocking sound at the door. Adam has now fallen asleep and I looks at the time. It's two in the morning and it doesn't sound like it's coming from the front door, but we haven't been in this house long enough for me to know where the sound is coming from. I'm wearing only a tank top and underwear. Getting up I grab my belt again. Walking down the hallway there is another knock but it's coming from the other bedroom door. Opening the door slowly nothing is there. Taking a step into the room I get a cold chill that goes down my whole body. When I take another step the sound of a scream shrieks in my ears. Covering my ears I fall to the ground. "GET OUT!!!!" The shriek in my ear yells. I scream on the top of my lungs. Oh my god, what is going on. Who is screaming?! I have my eyes sealed shut but I am terrified to open them. All of a sudden I feel hands on my and my head bobbles. Shrieking is still ringing in my ears. I scream and scream. Why won't this stop?! Why is this happening? "Babe! BABE! Stop screaming?!" I need to open my eyes. I need too but what will happen if I do? Taking the risk I force my eyes open. As soon as I open my eyes the shrieking stops immediately. "Are you okay?! Why were you screaming?" Adam has a firm grip on my arms. I go limp and start to cry. What just happen? I have only seen this stuff on tv but this was completely different in real life. He holds me in his arms, running his fingers through my hair he shushes me, rocking me. "What happen?" He asks now in a soft voice. I sniffle pulling myself together. "I heard a knocking and.... I got...-" I sniffle again letting out a sob "-I got up to go see what was wrong and I open the door and walk in then there is this screaming in my ears-" I sob again, and he pulls me closer "-and some screamed 'Get Out!' In my ears." I sob into his chest. "We are moving out.." He says, making a decision right then and there and I don't argue against that. This house is a real haunted house...I had convinced myself as a kid that they weren't real but now I know they are true. I don't know when I will sleep next....

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