Chapter 3

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Adam is in the bathroom scrubbing the toilet while I'm in the kitchen.
"Hey, Hun! How is it going in there?" I ask yelling across the house.
"Good, but don't you think we should get a maid or something? I can afford one." He yells back. I already know he has been wanting a maid but I won't allow it.
In the long run just cleaning the house keeps him grounded. When I met him he didn't have his feet on the ground. He was up in the clouds with his fame. The moment after he met me it was a struggle but he got it together. After knowing him for a while I found out that the small little normal things people do keeps him humble, with his feet solid on the ground.
"A little hard work won't kill you." I retort, giggling to myself.
"But there is always so much to do." You can hear the pout in his voice. Turning off the faucet I dry my hands walking to the bathroom. Coming around the corner I find him on his knees in front of the tub.
"Well maybe we should get a smaller house." You smirk.
"But what if we start a family? We will need the space." His words make ne jump a little in shock.
"Kids? Aren't we a little young ourselves to have kids?" I never really thought about having kids at this age.
"You are twenty-four and I'm twenty-five. I think it is the perfect age." He stands up from being on his knees and takes off his blue gloves that are covered in cleaning chemicals, throwing them in the trash. I tense up. He comes towards me putting his hands in my hips.
"You know how hard it is to have kids?" I ask.
"I do. I just want to have them with you and we can work through it together." He leans forward inches away from my face. Thinking it over in my head over and over again the thought of having kids with him sounds actually really nice.
"Fine. Thinking about it. You would be a great father." smiling up at him, he grins.
"We're going to have a baby?!" He kisses me lifting me up into the air in a hug. I scream, laughing as he throws me over his shoulder.
"You know that I'm not pregnant yet" I giggle.
"That's the thing... Not yet." I can just hear the tone of his voice that he is smirking. Reaching down i smack his butt. "You are so dirty!" I crack up laughing.

Five months later...
Laying on the medical table Adam is holding your hand as you both stare at the little screen.
The goo on my stomach is cold. He presses around taking it back and forth across my lower stomach. It sort of tickles. Fidgeting in the chair a little I let out a giggle. "That's tickles."
"Sorry" the doctor smiles.
"It's fine" I smile holding my lips together trying not to laugh as he moved the machine thing to the other side of my stomach.
"I found a heart beat" Adam squeezes my hand and we both let out a breath of excitement.
"Well congratulations mommy and daddy! You are having twins!" The doctor announced. My eyes go wide. Adam squeezes my hand slightly tighter and laughs with excitement.
"Twins?!?" I exclaim.

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