Chapter 7

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I am on my period and my cramps feel like someone is ringing out my uterus then stabbing it with steak knifes. Adam is suppose to be coming over soon. I just woke up to the agonizing pain that is nature. I roll over on my side from my all so comfortable position to grab my phone. I click the call button for Adam. He answers on the second ring.
"Hey babe, what's up? I was just about to leave." He says.
"Don't come over I'm on my period." I groan as the sharp pains greets me again.
"Aww babe. Are you okay?" He asks.
That question just lights a fire under my ass and my head goes up in flames.

"Does it seem like I am okay?! You don't how it is to have a period so don't be asking me if I'm okay!" I fire back.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you." He calmly backs off.
"I have cramps that feel like someone is stabbing me and I have a headache that feels like nails in my brain. Im not okay." I take a breath.
"I'm gonna go." I add hanging up throwing your phone on the floor. Laying back in my weird but comfortable position. I don't move until there is a ring for the doorbell.

"Seriously?! Seriously!?" I throw myself off the bed and storm to the door. Not even checking the peephole, swinging open the door it's Adam.

"I though I told you not to come." I huff. He pulls his hands from behind his back reveling three huge chocolate bars and a hand full of dvd's.
"Babe..." I smile looking at him with big eyes. My mood changes with a flip of a switch. Honestly the chocolate was what made my eyes glow the most.

I let him in, closing the door behind him. "Now which movie should we start with first?"
His voice is full of patience and love. Which is music to my ears filling every inch of my eardrums.
"This is putting you on my good list. Ugh I just want to climb you," I groan with want and desperation for his touch and loving.
"Wow tiger," he winks, popping in a movie. I sit on the couch with my legs crossed like a preschooler on the floor, immediately grabbing the chocolate I try pulling it apart like a toddler trying to open a wrapper.
I grunt "come on open!"

Adam chuckled taking it from me, opening it with one good pull. "Thank you." I smile but at him devouring it.
I moan with pleasure of this amazing ass, rich dark chocolate.

"This is amazing, Adam. Thank youuuu" my eyes roll back into my head.
"No problem, honey buns" he leans down kissing my forehead sitting next to me with his body against mine.

"So what are we watching?"

"The notebook." He looks down at me and my eyes narrow at him.
"Do you really want to see my crying?" I ask.
"I good cry is never bad, and plus I have funny movies to watch after this" he smiles kissing my cheek.
"Okayyy, but don't freak out when I cry over little things in this movie, you asked for it" I giggle.
He chuckles pecking a kiss on my lips. I go for more and he doesn't refuse.

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