Chapter 13

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"Can we just relax today?" I whine, flopping onto the couch. I hear the footsteps of Adam coming up behind me.
"Yes, we can finally relax today." He slaps my butt giving it a little squeeze, I giggle.
"Yes! Finally! We have been non-stop busy for what seems like forever!" I groan turning towards him propping my head on my hand. He turns on the tv turning on Netflix's.
"Babe.... Can you bring me some comfortable clothes?" I grin hoping he will go and get it.
"Yeah I guess I will, gosh! Am I your slave?" He throws his hand into the air, being sarcastic.
"But I love you." I smile, face planting into the couch.
He goes upstairs and about 10 minutes later he comes down changed into his comfy clothes, holding folded up clothes of mine, a wet wipe, and a ponytail holder on his wrist. I sit up and he hands me the clothes.
"And here is a makeup wipe, and a hair tie." I smile up at him.
"Your so sweet! But you don't like my makeup?" I smirk. He raises his eyebrow at me.
"You look beautiful with makeup but you look just as beautiful without." He leans down kissing my cheek. Before even changing my clothes or pulling back my hair, I wipe my face with the makeup wipe. Wiping off my makeup always feels amazing, it's like freeing my face from being suffocated after a long period of time. After wiping my face I pull my hair back into a bun. Pulling off my shirt I look through the little stack of clothes Adam brought down for me, finding a red laced thong. I raise my eyebrow looking up at him. He laughs and I can't help but laugh with him. Looking at his sweet face, he looks so innocent but he has his dirty side, but I don't mind it one bit. I put it all on right there and of course he didn't bring down any shorts, just a long shirt and that lace thong. I go over laying down next to Adam.
"You wanna cuddle?" He asks.
"These clothes told me you wanted to do more than cuddle" I smirk.
"Well that's up to you if you want to or not but I'm up for anything." He chuckles.
"Let cuddle for now then let's see what happens" i sit up as he goes to sit. He comes and lays down on the couch next to where I am and I curl my head into his chest.
"Can I grab your butt?" He asks. I look up at him raising my eyebrow at him. "Adam we have been together for a long ass time. What do you think?" I giggle.
"I think... Yes!" He grabs a handful of my butt in one hand and pulls me closers. Turning on a movie, I'm so glad we had time to just relax, just the two of us.

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