Don't do something you'll regret Pt. 2

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Rich P.O.V. (Jayla's dad)
I speed over to the adress that Jamie sent me. I have to speed cause I've known Jaden from since he could barely walk and that boy goes crazy when someone he loves gets hurt. He will shoot anybody that gets in his way. I pull up to the house and the door is knocked down. I put on my bullet proof vest then put back on my shirt. I grab my pistol, the only reason I ain't grab one of the more powerful guns is cause if I do have to shoot him I don't want to kill him. I walk inside the house. The lights upstairs in a room is on. I walk up stairs. Jaden is punching and flinging around some girl who I'm guessing is his baby momma. "You be abusing my daughter bitch!" He yells at her while punching her I'm her stomach. I walk into the room and pull him off her. "What the fuck you doing, you can't be beating on women!" I yell at him. "This bitch is fucking abusing my daughter, she got fucking bruises on her back" he yells back. "It wasn't me, it was Rym, he would hit her on her back anytime she was crying, he said if I ever told anyone he would kill me" she cries. " So you rather your daughter get abused, than telling one of us so we could take him out" I say shaking my head. I start packing all her clothes, socks, and all the things she needs. I pack a blanket that has her name on it and her teddy bear. "Let's go son" I say. He's staring at her with disgust I'm his eyes. " you and your dead beat boy friend going get what yall deserve " Jaden says then walks out the room with me following. He gets in his car and I get in mine. We head back to the house. We were at her houde for a couple hours actually, how I told it just made it seem shorter.

Jamie P.O.V.
"They've been gone for 4 hours mom" I say while feeding Jayla her third bottle for the night. I hear the door open and I jump up. I look at the door and see Jaden and my dad walk in. My dad has a bunch of stuff I'm guessing is Jayla's own. He takes them upstairs to my room. " are you okay, did you get hurt in any way?" I ask Jaden while examining him to make sure he didn't get hurt. "I'm chill" he mumbles then sits on the couch. I sit on his lap. We watch as Jayla finishes up her bottle. I wipe her neck and face with her bib. "So is Jayla staying with you?" I ask Jaden as I burp her. "Yeah, until the court date to see who gets custody of her" he mumbles. I look back at him. I peck his lips. I don't like to see him look so depressed and unhappy. I know he's trying to hide it but it's written all over his face. I frown. "Why are you upset, you get to keep Jayla?" I ask him. "I'm upset cause Lora boyfriend been hitting Jayla on her back everytime she cry" he answers clenching his jaw. I look down at Jayla. She's rubbing her eyes. "Oh someones tired" I say while putting her minnie mouse binky in her mouth. I stood up from on Jaden's lap and headed upstairs. I put Jayla down on the middle of the bed and put pillows around her to fence her in. She'll stay like that until I come out of the bathroom.

I just finished bathing. I put my underwear and bra on then walk out the bathroom. I look at the bed. Jaden is laying down next to Jayla playing with her curly hair while she sleeps and sucks on her Binky. I smile then walk to my dresser. I put on a lime green cami and grey "pink" sweats. I put on lime green and grey ankle socks. I take my hair out of the ponytail. Fortunately it didn't get wet in the shower so it's still flat ironed. I grab all of my hair and braid it in a side fishtail then put an elastic at the end.
"You ready to go" I ask Jaden as I pack some clothes. "Yeah let's go" he mumbles then picks up Jayla. We walk down stairs. "When are you coming back" my dad asks. "In a couple of days" I say. "Okay love you" my mom and dad says. "Okay love you too" I hug and kiss them. "Goodnight Miss Lidia, Goodnight Rich" Jaden says. "Night sweety" my mom says. "Night Son" my dad answers. We walk out the door and I lock it. Jaden unlocks the truck. I get into the front seat while Jaden buckles Jayla in her carseat. Shes still in her only her paper so I put the blanket over her so she wouldn't be cold. I buckle up and Jaden gets in the car. He still looks pissed as hell. I don't know what to do. He starts up the car then heads to his house.

We just pulled up to Jaden's house. He gets out and gets Jayla. He locks the car and we walk up the walk way to his house. He unlocks the door. We walk in and walk upstairs. He goes to a bedroom. That door was always closed he told me never to go in there. He opens it and it's a nursery with Jayla's name on the wall and every where. I look around the room while he puts Jayla in her over sized crib both Jayla and I could fit in there comfortably. The room is mint green and pink stripes with gold dots. She has a closet with so much clothes. It's a walk in closet. We walk out and head to his room. He goes in the shower and I turn on the tv.

Jaden just came out the shower and turns off the light. "Turn off the tv" Jaden's says while putting on his boxers and basket ball pants. "No" I mumble while still watching "My Wife And Kids". "Turn off the fucking tv" he says. I ignore him. The only reason I won't turn it off is cause I'm kind of afraid of the dark. He turns off the tv and I pick up the remote and turn it back on. He grabs the remote from out of my hand and throws it at the TV making the tv break and making a loud thud when it drops on the floor. He turns on the light. "Why you gotta be so damn disrespectful" he says. I roll my eyes,look away from him, and cross my hands on my chest. He walks up to me and roughly grabs my face and makes me look at him. "Look at me when I'm speaking to you" he says through gritted teeth. I hear Jayla crying, I guess she heard the TV fall. I push Jaden away from me and walk out the room. I go into Jayla's room. She's laying down on her stomach crying and screaming. "It's okay baby, nothings wrong" I say. I pick her up and sit in the rocking chair. I rocked back and forth until she fell asleep again. I put her back in her crib and caress her soft plump cheeks. "It's okay, I love you" i whisper then stand up straight . I turn around to walk out the bedroom and see Jaden standing by the door watching me. I roll my eyes and walk out the door. He grabs my arm. "I'm sorry" he says. "Yeah" I mumble then pull my arm away from him. I go into his bedroom and grab my phone and charger. I grab a blanket then walk to the guest room that's next to Jayla's. I plug in my phone and lay down. I turn on the tv and scroll through guide. I see Jaden stand by the door. "Come to bed" he says while putting his hands in the basketball pants pockets. "I am in bed" I mumble. "So you really bout to be petty" Jaden says. "Yup" I say then click on "cake boss". I pull the covers over my body and turn my back to the door. I here the bedroom door close so I guess Jaden left. I lighty cry remembering what my friends did to me. I feel him get in the bed and wrap his arms around me. " I thought you left" I mumble. "Nah, why you crying?" He asks. I quickly wipe my eyes "nothing" I mumble. "I know you're lying" he says in my ear then lightly kisses it. "Tell me" Jaden's says. I sit up and turn the volume on the tv down. I sigh. "When I was thirteen I had a group of friends who I thought understood me. One day they said we were meeting in the alley by 'Red Pubs Pizzaria' so I went there and there was a group of grown men standing there watching me. I tried to run but one of them had all ready grabbed me. I started screaming and one of them cut me with a knife and told me to shutup. I guess someone heard me scream cause they came running into the alley. The man started hitting and punching the guys but they all piled up on him ,he told me to run and I wanted to help him but he kept telling me to run. He kept screaming run while they reapetadly stabbed him, I ran home as fast as I could. I told my dad what happened and so we drove to the the alley where the man was. My dad got out the car and so did I. They alley was empty except for the man who saved me. His body parts were scattered all over the alley. He died for me. If I wasn't such an idiot he wouldn't have died. I should've never trust "my friends". I made an innocent man die Jaden. The next day when my dad dropped me to school people were laughing at me. I went up to my friends and they were asking me if I enjoyed the sex and all those horrible things. I lied to the school nurse and told her I didn't feel good and my dad picked me up. I didn't go to school for a week. But Asia, Kayla, and Ryan still came over to my house that whole week to make sure I was okay." I say with tears running down my face. I felt so guilty. When my dad had call the police, they said that his drivers license said his name was Mark Dough.
Jaden pulled me on his lap. He rocked back and forth in a comfortable silence. I eventually got tired and fell asleep.

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