Jayla's Birthday Pt. 2

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Rileys matching dress, the dog isnt Riley. That's my dog... Skai....anyways
Jamie's P.O.V.
"Jaden I told you not to give her anymore" I mumble. Jaden gave her sour spray candy. " it's her birthday, let her have as much candy as she wants" Asia says. "Asia you're not helping, Kay help me out"I say. "I'm sorry, I have to agree with Asia and Jaden on this one" Kay says while putting on Jayla's pink and zebra print custom made sneakers. I roll my eyes. "Has she always been doing that" Jaden ask. "Ever since she came out mommas womb" Gabi says while dressing Aaron. "Doing what?" I ask them. "Rolling your eyes when you can't get your way or when you're annoyed" Kayla says. "Whatever" I say. I was about to roll my eyes but then I stopped. "See" Asia mumbles. "I didnt roll them" I mumble while pulling up my skirt. Jayla wanted me to dress like her, so I'm wearing a hot pink pencil skirt with a zebra print and pink tight of the shoulder, long sleeved crop top. I got matching sneakers with her. "You almost did though" Gabi says. I shake my head. "Jayla are you going to help mommy put the dress on Riley?" I ask her while bending down to her level. She nods her head yes. I smile. I stand up and hold out my hand for her to grab it. She grabs it and we walk into her room. Jayla moved Riley into her room. Rileys bed was in the playroom and Jayla dragged the bed all the way up the steps into her bedroom. Jayla put all Rileys toys and clothes in her room also. I grab the dress from in Rileys basket full of toys and clothes. I put it over her head. "Put her arm in."I tell Jayla. She takes Rileys paw and puts it threw. She does the other paw. I pull down the dress and fluff the tutu. I put the bow in Rileys fur. "Are you going to bring Riley to your party?" I ask Jayla. She nods her head yes. I stand up and we walk back into my room. I sit Jayla down on my chair that's infront of my vanity. I pump up the chair so she was high enough so I could do her hear. "Are you going to leave me do your hair?" I ask Jayla as I get her detangler and brush. She shakes her head no.Jayla starts reaching for Jaden. "Jayla leave mommy do your hair" Jaden says. I walk over to Jayla and spray all over her hair with the detangler. I try to brush her hair but she keeps moving her head. "Jaden" I mumble. He walks over to her then whispers something in her ear. She giggles then sits back in the chair. I raise my eyebrow. I start brushing her hair. Jaylas hair has grown so much since I met her. "Jayla where is the bow" I ask her while looking for the bow. She shruggs her shoulders. I look under Jayla's pillow in my room. I look inside her pillow pet. I take the bow out of it. I walk back to Jayla. I part Jayla's hair into to parts. I put them up with elatics and did two fold over buns. I put the bow on one of them. "She has minnie mouse ears" Asia says while taking Jayla down from the chair. I laugh. "Okay is everyone ready cause the party starts in like 30 minutes" I say. "Yeah everyone is ready." Gabi says "Jayla come here"I mumble. She runs over to me. " You have to brush your teeth again" I say. She runs into the bathroom I follow her and she's trying to reach her tooth brush. "Here ya go mama" I say while putting her on the counter. I brush her teeth. We walk out the bathroom. "Ma" Jayla says then points to my hair. I feel my hair. "Oh thankyou so much Lala"I say while taking out the butterfly clip. "Are you doing your hair like Lala's?" Gabi ask me. I laugh. "No"I say. My hair is flat ironed so I don't have to worry about my curls. I part it into two and braid them into pig tail braids going all the way down my head. "You want to go tell ma she looks pretty?" I hear Jaden ask. I turn to look at Lala. She nods her head the runs to me. I pick her up. She grabs my cheeks then does a kissy face and kisses my lips. I giggle. "Thankyou Baby" I say to Jayla while walking over to Jaden. I can't believe Jayla is one already. She's growing up to fast. "You okay" I ask Jaden as he takes Jayla from my arms. "Yeah" he mumbles then pecks my lips. I pout as he walks away. I pick up my phone. I put Riley in her carrier. I walk downstairs and get Rileys portable food bowls and water bottle. I grab Rileys portable mini fan and Jaylas own also. I lock up the house then walk to my car. I put Rileys carrier on the chair and her water and food on the ground. I walk back inside and take Jayla out of her play pen. I walk back outside then put her in her carseat. I get into the car and start the engine. Jaden walks out side the house. "Are you riding with us or using your own wheels?"I yell at him. "I'm finna use my wheels, I gotta make a few stops" he says. "Aight, don't be lateI say while pulling out the driveway. Gabi, Asia, and Kay already left in their own individual cars. I fix my mirror so I could see Jayla. "Jayla don't take Riley out her carrier okay" I say. She nods her head. I stop at a red light and look back at Jayla. She has Riley on her lap. "Lala I said don't take her out" I mumble while looking back at the road. The light turns green and I start driving again. I look at her and she shakes her head no. "Well if you didn't do it then who did it?"I ask her. "Ah know know" she says trying her best to speak proper. She said "I don't know". I laugh. "You a mess" I say while smiling and pulling up to the fun house. Jaden rented out this whole fun house just for Jayla's party. It has a bunch of slides and pools full of plastic balls. It's kid friendly. I get out the car and go around to Jayla. I open the door. I put on Rileys leash. I take Riley off Jayla's lap and take her out her carseat. "You ready to see Bella" I ask her while putting her on the floor. She starts clapping her hands. Jaden made Jayla and I go to this mommy and me program, but we left because they were watching us a little to hard and saying shit bout I'm to young to be a mother. Bella's mother was the only real person there so we kept in touch. Bella is 1 and her mother, Ariel is 23. As you can tell they kept the princess theme going on with their names. I close the car door. I have Jayla's hand in one hand and Rileys leash in the other. We walk inside and the receptionists stops us. What kind of kids palace has a receptionists? "Im guessing you're the birthday girl?" She says while watching Jayla in disgust. I raise my eyebrow. "Why does her hair look like that, shouldn't it look better for her birthday" she ask me. "You can't possibly love her if you have her hair looking like that" she says while looking at me the Jayla. "That dog looks way better than her" she mumbles. Jayla starts crying. I clench my teeth. I bend down to Jayla. "Jayla don't listen to her okay, mommy loves you very much, and you look very pretty okay." I say while wiping her tears and blinking a few times to keep mines from falling. Jayla nods her head. I sigh and stand up and pick Jayla up. "Now ma'am I'm trying my very best to act sane because it's my daughters birthday, you have no say in how I do my daughters hair. My daughter is beautiful. She doesn't need makeup unlike you who needs makeup to hide all of that acne. Now can you please apologize to her." I say really trying not to jump over this counter. "Bitch please, why would I apologize to a worthless child" she says while flipping her weave that isn't even the same color as her natural hair. I bite my tongue. The door opens and in walks Jaden with a bunch of balloons and bears and gift bags. "Jaden deal with her" I say through gritted teeth. "You're still with her Jaden? I thought you said you'll leave her to help me raise our baby" she says while standing up showing me her huge stomach while rubbing it. My eyes widen. I look back at Jaden. He tries to hold my hand. "Jaden No! Deal with yo baby momma then come inside and celebrate our daughters birthday, we'll find out about co-parenting after the birthday party" I say then walk away. I enter the play area and everyone screams, "Happy Birthday Jayla!". I look at her and smile as she kisses my cheek. I put her down and she runs of to go play. Atleast Jayla is loyal to me.

Jaden's P.O.V.
Im standing here just staring at the bitch. I clench my fists. "Why the fuck you tell her that shit when you damn well know that baby ain't mines" I say through gritted teeth. "Well we don't know that for sure" she says while walking around from the counter to stand infront of me. "I always wrap up with my hoes, so that child ain't mines" I mumble. "But you didn't wrap up with that hoe in there, that's how you got your little nasty rat" she mumbles. I grab her throat. "You ain't finna disrespect my girl and my daughter like that aight" I say then let go her throat. "Ugh whatever and didn't you hear, she wants to co-parent, the bitch dumped you" she says while walking back to her chair. I clench my jaw. I pick up the bags and balloons and walk away. I walk inside the fun house area. I walk up to Rich and he smiles at me. Okay so I know Jamie hasn't told him anything cause he hasn't shot me. I smile at him and then put the presents on the gift table. I look at the slide and see Jamie sliding down the slide with Jayla on her lap. Both of them are giggling and screaming. I love them so much. I walk over to the ball pit and wait there until they reached down the slide. They reach down and "splashed" into the ball pit. Jayla wildly giggles as Jamie stares at me. Jamie ask Jayla something and points over to me. Jayla nodded her head. They get up and push their way through the balls over to me. "Wassup with my princess" I say while lifting her up and blowing on her stomach. She screams and giggles. "So are you going to watch her or can I take her" Jamie says. "Jamie you cant be serious" I say while getting into the ball pit and standing infront of her. "Dead ass" she says staring up at me. I put my free arm around your waist. "Stop acting like that babe" I say into her neck. "The only reason I haven't pushed you away is because my parents are watching us and I don't want anymore blood to spill on Jayla's Birthday, so I'm going to laugh, playfully push you, then walk away" she says. I stand up straight. She laughs, playfully pushes me, and walks away. "Jayla yo mama trippin' " I mumble before following Jamie. Jayla starts staring and playing with my ear with her mouth slightly open. I grab Jamie's waist is she plays with one of Jayla's friends. "Jaden let me go, now" she says trying to get out of my grip. "No" I say. She rolls her eyes. I chuckle and shake my head. She glares at me. "I love you" I mumble against her jaw since she wouldn't let me kiss her lips. "Whatever Jaden" she says while taking Jayla from me. "So you don't love me no more?" I ask her. "Leave me alone" she mumbles then walks away. I chuckle. She'll come back to me. I ain't worried.

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