In the Hospital Again

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Jamies P.O.V.
Next day.......
Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Please don't let me be in the hospital. I slowly open my eyes and surely I'm the hospital. I look around the hospital room and see my parents, best friends, and Jaden sleeping. I look next to me and see Jayla staring up at me. She smiles at me. "Mommy okay?" She ask me. "Yes baby I'm okay" I say while smiling down at her. "You hurt?" She ask me. "I'll be okay Lala" I mumble. She rubs my stomach. "Baby okay?" She asks me. I sigh. "I don't know baby, we'll have to ask the doctor" I mumble. "Daddy cry." She says. I look at Jaden and sigh. I pick up my phone. "Let's take some pictures" I mumble. She smiles. In the pictures we do duck faces, poker faces, smile, silly faces and so much more. We are going through the pictures to see which ones to post on instagram. "What about this one?" I ask her. She scrunches up her nose. I laugh. "I guess not" I giggle. I move my hair to the right of me.

The door opens. Ryan walks in with a bunch of balloons and bears and gift bags. He puts the stuff by my bed side. I give Jayla my phone to play a game. "How ya feelin'" he akwardly mumbles. "I'm okay, I'm just worried about the babies" I mumble. "Babies" he chokes. "Oh yeah I forgot to tell you, I'm having twins" I say. He nods his head. "Listen Jamie, about the kiss, I just wanna say I'm sorry, I just couldn't-" I cut him off. "You're forgiven" I smile at him. He chuckles. "So how'd this happen?" He ask me. I look at the ceiling trying to think of a lie. "I fell down the stairs.......Riley left one of her toys on the stairs....again" I mumble. He stares at me and nods his head. I know he doesn't believe me. Ryans phone vibrates. He looks at it and sighs. "I gotta go" he mumbles. "Okay, we can talk later" I mumble. He hugs me and then walks out. "Jayla you hungry?" I ask her. She nods her head. I grab a pillow and throw it after my parents. They wake up. "Oh my babygirl you're awake" my mom exclaims. "We were so worried" my dad says while both of them walk to me and hug me. I laugh. "I've only been sleeping for one day" I mumble. They look at eachother. "Jamie you were in a coma" my mom mumbles. "For how long?" I mumble. "About 2 months" my dad mumbles. "Are the babies okay?" I panic. My mom laughs. "The babies are fine, the doctor has been monitoring them and feeding them through a feeding tube" my mom says. "So then that makes me 4 months pregnant?" I ask while pulling the sheet off me to look at my stomach. I smile at my larger stomach. I don't know how I didn't realizing that. "4 and a half months pregnant" my dad says. "Wow" I mumble. "Oh yeah, Jayla and I are hungry, and the twins, so the 4 of us are hungry" I say. My dad and mom laugh. "Okay we'll get yall some food" they say. They walk out the room. Minutes later Kay and Asia wake up. "Asia I'm never sleeping with you again" Kay mumbles. "I'm pregnant, I have gas, I need space" Asia mumbles while stretching. They both walk to the bathroom, not noticing me at all. They come out minutes later. They look at my bed. "Jamie!" They both scream then run to me. I laugh and hug them. "Took yall long enough to notice me" I say still laughing as they pull away. "I'm really hungry, Kay can you come to the cafeteria with me please?" Asia says while rubbing her stomach. "Oh Asia you're 6 months pregnant right, what's your baby's gender" I ask her. "I'll tell you when we come back but I need food now" she mumbles while pulling Kay out the room. "Lala have you been taking care of the babies while I was sleeping?" I ask her. "Yup, they no cry" she mumbles. I laugh. "Cause they're not born yet" I say. "When born?" She ask me. "In a couple months, their sleeping now" I say. She pats my stomach. "Baby wake up" she says while patting my stomach. She puts her ear to my stomach. "Baby no wake up" she mumbles while scratching her head. I laugh. "Want mommy to do your hair?" I ask her. She nods her head. I part her hair with my finger. I braid her hair in 2 cornrow braids. "mommy i do you hair" she mumbles. She stands up on the bed and starts "twisting" my hair. All she's really doing in tangling it up. She finishes doing my hair. "Pweetty" she says. I smile and she giggles. She grabs my cheeks and kisses my lips. I hear someone take a picture. I look over at Jaden and he's taking a picture of us. "Da, mommy wake up" Jayla says. "I see baby" he mumbles. He smiles at me. I look back at Jayla. Jaden stands up and walks over to me. He touches my arm. "Jaden don't touch me" I mumble while moving his hands away from me. "I'm not going to hurt you Jamie" he mumbles. I sigh. "Jaden just leave me alone" I mumble. He sighs then kisses my forhead and walks back to the couch. "mommy" Jayla mumbles. "Yes baby" I mumble while staring at Jaden. "Kish" she mumbles while pointing at Jaden. "You want me to kiss daddy?" I ask her. She nods her head. "Not right now baby" I mumble. She sits down and starts playing with my nail. I rub my stomach. Jayla speaks alot for a one year old. "Wow" I mumble. I put Jaylas hand on my stomach. She smiles at me. "They woke up" I mumble as the babies continue moving around. Jaden rushes over to me and touched my stomach. He smiles. I move Jaden's hand away. They stop moving. I put a puzzled expression on my face. I touch my stomach. I grab Jaden's hand and put it back on my stomach. They start kicking again. I move his hand away away and they instantly stopped. "They know their daddy" I mumble while smiling down at my stomach. He chuckles. My doctor walks in the room. "Hello Miss John." He says while looking down at his clip board. "Hello" I mumble. "I see you've awoken from your coma"he mumbles while jogging down some notes. "How are the babies? Any movements?" He ask me.. "Actually yes just a couple minutes ago they were moving" I say excitedly. "Great, then they are healthy. We will keep you here for a few more days before letting you go, just to monitor you for a while" he says. I smile. "Okay, thankyou" I mumble as he walks out. "Where is grandma and papi with our food?" I ask Jayla. She shruggs her shoulders. I sigh. "Maaaa" Jayla whines. "What Lala"I mumble. "Hungwy" she whines and throws back her head. "Jayla we have to wait till grandma and papi come back" I mumble. Did I ever tell you guys that Jayla's mother is mixed with Spanish and black? Oh well she is so Jayla calls my father papi. She can speak a little Spanish but we try to teach her to not speak Spanish as her main language. My aunt speaks Spanish so I speak fluent Spanish but only when I need to. So yup. "The babies are hungry too" I mumble as my stomach rumbles. She giggles. She lays her head on my stomach and puts her binky in her mouth. I tried taking her binky away for a month and it was working or so it thought. I figured out that at night jaden would give her the binky right before bed. The door opens and Asia and Kay walk in with bags of food. My eyes light up. "You have my food?" I ask her as they sit down. "Hell no all this shit is mines, I'm eating for 2" she mumbles. "Come one Asia I'm eating for 3, where my parents at?" I whine. "I'm just joking, these two plates are for you and Lala, they had to go to the trap" she mumbles while handing us two containers of food. I nod my head and smile. I set up Jaylas food then I set up mines. Jaden walked out of the bathroom and walked over to us. "So yall ain't get me nothing?" He ask. "It's Kay and Asia who went for the food" I mumble while cutting my pancake. "Well you finna share with me?" He ask me. "I'm already sharing with the twins" I mumble while laughing at my stupid joke. He chuckles. "Jayla can daddy get a piece of pancake?" He ask Jayla while bending down to her level. Jayla looks at Jaden then at her food. She picks up a piece of pancake and puts it to Jaden's lips. He eats it and nibbles on her fingers. "Owch" she giggles. I smile. "Ask daddy if he likes your hair" I whisper in Jayla's ear. "Haiw" she mumbles while pointing at her hair and looking at Jaden. "It's beautiful baby, who did it?" Jaden ask already knowing the answer. I put our food on the side table "Aunty Kay" Jayla says. I gasp. She looks at me. I fake pout. She giggles. She stands up and grabs my cheeks and kisses my lips. "Muah" she says then giggles. I laugh but then continue pouting. Jayla sits down and stares at Jaden. We both look at her confused. She points at Jaden then at me and does a kissy face. I sigh. "Not now Ja-" I get cut off by Jaden connecting his soft butter cream lips to mines. I melt into the kiss. I've been wanting to kiss him since I woke up but I'm still mad at him, he put me in a damn coma. He slips his tongue into my mouth. "Gross Alert! Boop Boop Boop Back up Back up!" I hear Kay yell. I pull away and giggle. "Go kiss Saiah or something" I laugh. She straight faces me. "That shit ain't even funny" she says while pointing to her face. I laugh then put my attention back on Jayla and Jaden. "Why'd you do that?" I ask Jaden. "Queen Lala's orders" he says and chuckles. I try my best not to laugh but fail.

The nurse comes in takes out my iv and gives me pain pills.

Jayla touches my stomach. "Ma" she mumbles. "Yes baby" I mumble when drinking some of my chocolate milk. "Fat"she mumbles then pats my stomach. I laugh. "Ma candy" she mumbles while pointing at my soft jolly rancher candies. "No, after lunch" I mumble. She rolls her eyes. "Nanana" she mocks me. I flick her in her mouth. "Stop it" I say while rubbing my stomach. She starts crying."Jaden do not pick her up" I mumble. He ignores me and still picks her up. I groan. He grabs one of my candies and gives it to her. "Are you really fucking serious" I shout at him. He looks at me like I'm crazy. I stand infront of him "Go ahead hit me, throw me against the wall like you always do" I say to him while looking up at him. I look over at Kay and she's watching a movie with her beats on and Asia is sleeping as usual. I look back at Jaden. He clenches his jaw. I laugh. "I can't believe you!" I shout at him again but only loud enough for us to hear. "You upset me so much" I yell at him. He puts Jayla on the bed. I push him. "You always try to control me, I wish I'd never met you" I say then push him again. He clenched his jaw and his fist and looks behind me. "What nigga? Hit me. I dare you" I say. "Jamie chill out, it's because of those pain pills you acting like this" he mumbles. "It's because of those pain pills" I mock him. He clench his fist even more. "Dumb ass nigga" I mumble. "Jamie chill out now" he mumbles. "Psh" I mumble. "You ain't the boss of me" I say then mush his head. "Mane" he mumbles. I laugh. "You just my fuck boy nigga!" I say killing my self with laughter. I start walking away but he gently but firmly grabs my arm and turns me back around to him. "What you just say" he says getting down in my face. "You. Just. My. FUCK BOY!" I yell in his face. He chuckles.

"You betta stop" he mumbles. "You a weak ass nigga" I laugh. A nurse walks in. "Aye yo shawty come here" he says to her then moves me to the side. I raise my eyebrow and put my hands on my hips. She walks over to him. He caresses her cheek then kisses her lips passionately. My eyes widen. "But fuck boy got skills" i say. He pulls away and she gasp and blushes. "Ms. John you need to get some rest" she mumbles while staring at Jaden who's smirking at me. "Bitch, fuck outta here" I growl at her. She hurriedly gets out the room. "I'm still yo fuck boy?" He ask me still smirking at me. "Well you are now" I mumble then storm to the bed. I get into the bed then start playing with my nails. He chuckles. I look at Kay and realize she took Jayla to watch the movie with her. I turn my back to Jaden. I feel Jaden get into the bed, get under the cover with me and wrap his arms around me. "Fuck off fuck boy" I mumble. He ignores me and slowly lifts the hospital dress. "Jaden stop it" I growl at him. He slips his hand into my underwear. I moan. He sticks his finger inside of me. I moan even louder. "Jaden" I moan. He pulls his hand out and sucks his fingers. "Ugh, I fucking hate you" I mumble while pushing him out the hospital bed. "Why you kick me off the bed though" he mumbles. "Cause I'm sleeping here and the twins sleeping there" I mumble while pointing to different parts of the bed. "Well then Ill sleep behind of you" he mumbles. "Nigga, I don't let my fuck boys sleep with me. You better get a fucking blanket and sleep on that recliner" I mumble while pulling the covers back over me and closing my eyes. He chuckles. I finally start to feel comfortable. The room gets quiet. I feel Jaden suck my bottom lip. I moan. He slips his tongue in my mouth. I moan. "Jaden" I moan again. He let's go my bottom lip. "Babygirl you gotta stop moaning" he mumbles while getting into the hospital bed. He rubs my stomach. "I feel like a damn walrus" I mumble. "You look like one" Jaden mumbles. "You look like a giraffe" I shoot back. He chuckles. "How? My neck ain't long, my arms ain't long, the only thing long on my body is this dick" he says. "Sike" I laugh. "That shit small as fuck" I say still laughing. "You wasn't saying that when I was fucking the shit out of you" he mumble. "You were more like, uh jaden, right there, don't stop, Jaden!" He says trying to imitate me. "I fucking hate you" I say while laughing. Stupid jack ass.

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