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Jaden's P.O.V.
I woke up cause someone kept slapping me in my face. I open my eyes and Jayla is sitting on my chest surely slapping me in my face. I grab her hands to stop her. She starts drooling all over my face. "OK" I say then lift her up then start running around the room leaving her pretend she's an airplane. "Really this is what you're doing with my baby"I hear Jamie say. I stop and look at the door where Jamie is standing in a tank top and boyshorts. "Babygirl you gotta put some clothes on if you don't want me to fuck your brains out"I say staring at her body. "you so gross" she laughs then walks away. "Jayla you want her to be yo mama?" I ask Jayla. She starts clapping acting like she knows what's going on. I chuckle. I do my shit then I walk downstairs and put Jayla in her roller.Jamie is on the counter texting and laughing, she put on basket ball pants. "Who you texting" I ask walking up to her trying to look at her phone. She turns off her phone. "Don't worry, what's for breakfast" she asks changing the subject. "I don't know let's order let me use your phone" I say. "Why can't you use your phone" she says. "Cause it's upstairs" I say. "Okay whatever" she mumbles then unlocks her phone and hands it to me. I go to her messages. I want to know who she was texting. She's playing with Jayla now so she isn't paying me any attention. I look through her messages but all the people that were there where people she texted yesterday. That means she deleted her text messages from today. SMH.
"I know you're going through my messages" she mumbles walking over to me with Jayla in her arm. "Why you delete your messages" I ask her. "I ain't delete any of my messages, I was laughing at a picture on instagram then I commented on it nigga, shit you so damn insecure" she says rolling her eyes. I grab her waist. "come on babe" I mumble then peck her lips. She rolls her eyes. "I ain't letting you go till you kiss me back Deja" I mumble against her lips. She rolls her eyes then kisses me back. I let her go and she storms out of the kitchen. I shake my head and go upstairs and she's on the bed talking to Jayla. Her back is facing the door so she doesn't see me standing there. "Why doesn't he trust me, I should be the one having trust issues for what I went through when I was younger. And don't worry babygirl even if you aren't mines I'll still claim you as mines, I don't care what your daddy says, I love you" she says to Jayla as she plays with her curls and Jayla eats Jamie's hair. Jayla is laying down on the bed on her back and Jamie is hovering over her. I walk into the room then pick Jamie up and wrap her legs around my waist. She wraps her arms around my neck. "I love you" I say looking her in her eyes. "I love you too" she says then pecks my lips. "The court date is tomorrow afternoon" I say. "I really hope you get custody of her" Jamie says. "So do I" I mumble then look over to Jayla who's trying to fit her foot in her mouth. "My baby" I say then look at Jamie. "My big baby"I say then kiss Jamies cheek. I put Jamie down then walk over to the bed and pick Jayla up. I sit down and put her on my lap. She looks up at me while now trying to fit her whole fist in her mouth.
"I'll go get her a bottle" Jamie says.

Jamie's P.O.V.
I'm downstairs making Jayla her bottle. I feel a small hand touch the back of my leg. I look down and Jayla is on the floor looking up at me. I laugh. "How'd you get downstairs?" I mumble picking her up. "I brought her downstairs" I hear Jaden say while he reached for a chip. I nod my head. "You have to get baby gates now that she knows how to crawl" I say while shaking up Jaylas bottle. She starts fussing. "Jayla stop being a brat" Jaden says. "She isn't being a brat,she's just hungry" I mumble while putting the bottle up to her lips. I walk to the door cause someone was knocking. I open the door and in walks Kayla and Asia. I close and lock the door. Asia sees Jayla in my hand then takes her from me and starts feeding Jayla herself. I whine and go to Jaden. "Jaden she took my baby from me" I whine to him. He chuckles then wraps his arms around my waist. He leans into my ear and whispers, "well then let's go make another baby" he whispers then kisses my ear. I blush. Then someone knocks on the door. I open it. "Jaden your baby mama here" I yell out to him. She walks into the house. "Well come in"I mumble. I close and lock the door back then walk into the living room.
"What you doing here Lora" Jaden says already looking irritated. "I came to see our daughter, why is my baby in that bitch hands" Lora yells at Jaden pointing to Asia. "Bitch you so lucky I have this baby in my hands" Asia says through gritted teeth. "Pass my baby" I mumble. "Your baby!? Jaden you got this hoe claiming my child!" Lora screams. "On second thought, Asia hold my baby" I say while handing Jayla back to Asia. I walk back up to Lora while putting my hair up. "Now what the fuck you just called me?" i say to Lora looking her in her eyes. "bitch you betta back the fuck up, shit you and your spaghetti arms can't do shit" she says. I draw back and punch her in her eye. She falls on the floor. I was about to get over her but Jaden picked me up. "Jaden put me down!" I yell at him while trying to get out of his grip. He carried me all the way upstairs then put me in Jayla's room and locked the door. I start banging on the door. But I hear him walk back downstairs. "This nigga just seriously locked me in a damn room by myself. I go into Jayla's closet and start organizing her clothes.

I just finshed organizing Jayla's clothes and shoes. She got alot of stuff for a baby. I been up here near damn a half an hour. I guess it's time to use those 4 years of karate. I kick down the door then walk out the room. Why the fuck didn't I do that 30 minutes ago. I walk downstairs and Jayla is in her play pen. I look at the couch and Jaden is laying down on the couch with Lora ontop of him kissing. How didn't they hear the door get knocked down? I shake my head. I grab my phone off the coffee table. These niggas still ain't notice me. I start walking to the door. I guess Jaden saw me cause he jumped up from the couch throwing Lora on the ground and chasing after me. "Jamie!" He shouts while I walk to my car. I shake my head telling myself not to cry. I get in the car and close the door and lock it. I grip the staring wheel and lean my head against it. I hear Jaden banging on the car window. "JAMIE OPEN THE DOOR!" He yells pounding on the car window and trying to open the door. I shake my head. I punch the car wheel then start up the car. I start backing out the drive way. I pull out and drive away.

I just pulled up to Asias house. I get out the car and pick up my phone. I unlock the door and walk into her house. She was on the couch making out with Simba.
I walk upstairs into my room and close the door. I go on my laptop. I turned off my phone cause Jaden kept texting me. My door opens and Kayla walks in.
"What's wrong" Kayla asks while sitting on my bed. "Nothing" I lie. "You were never a good lier" she says while hugging me. So I told her what happened and in the middle of the story Asia walked in so I had to start over.

I just woke up from a really long nap. I sit up and rub my eyes. I yawn and stretch. I stare down at my lap remembering what had occurred earlier today. A tear drops from my eye. I can feel the presence of someone else. I look up and around my room and I see Ryan in the couch in my room staring at me. "So you're going to just watch me?" I ask while lying back down. He got up got into the bed with me. "Nah" he says while wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling my body closer to him. "Asia told me what happened" he mumbles into my neck then kissed it. I nod my head while closing my eyes. He kisses the back of my neck and rubs up and down my thigh. I bite my lip holding back the moan. He chuckles. "What?" I ask while turning in his arms to look at him. "Nothing, I love you" he says. "Hmm okay I love you too" I say while looking at him weirdly. He chuckles then kisses my forhead and then I fell alseep

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