Christmas Eve

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Jamie P.O.V.
It's Christmas Eve afternoon. Today all I've been doing is wrapping gifts. Jaden went last minute Christmas shopping and Asia took Jayla. I'm bored as hell cause I already wrapped everyone's gifts and dropped them at my parents house. Tonight they're having a Christmas Eve dinner. It's a family tradition. Then we sleep over and open gifts there on Christmas morning. I'm on the couch watching the Christmas movies.

The door opens. In walks Asia, Kayla, and Jayla. Asia puts Jayla down and she wobbles halfway then falls and crawls the rest to me. I pick her up. "Hi mommas girl" I coo while playing with her. She grabs my hair and puts it in her mouth. I laugh then pull it away. "Did you drop the presents by my mom yet" I ask Asia while they sit on the couch. "Yeah" she mumbles while watching "The Grinch That Stole Christmas." I turn to Kayla. "How are you and Isaiah?" I ask her. They talked a few days ago after a whole 3 months of them not talking. "He wants to get back together with me but I'm not planning on getting cheated on again so I'm a little hesitant" she says while eating the popcorn and skittles.
If you're wondering Asia and Kayla moved out of their parents house as soon as they turned 17 so now they live in their own individual houses. Their parents are actually in a whole different state. That's why they spend Christmas with us.

The door opens and in walks Jaden with a few bags from the mall. "Jaden I told you to drop the presents off by my parents house" I say while standing up with Jayla in my arm. "I did, these are pajamas for you , Jayla, and your rabbits" he says reffering to Kayla and Asia, who seem like they didnt here him. He pecks my lips then Jayla's. "I'm getting Jayla's ears pierced" I say. "I ain't going be there,ion wanna see my loved ones in pain" he says while closing a locking the door. "Really, so hypothetically if I was too have your second child you wouldn't be there cause I was in pain" I ask him while putting Jayla on the floor and leaving her crawl away. "Is this your way of asking me to impregnate you?" He whispers in my ear. I laugh. "I said hypothetically"I say while walking away.
"Where's Jayla and Asia" I ask Kayla. She points to the kitchen pushing me from infront of her,cause I was blocking the tv. I laugh then walk to the kitchen. Asia is sitting on the floor feeding Jayla chocolate pudding. "Asia! I told you don't give her any more pudding" I say while taking the pudding away from Asia. "She asked for it" Asia mumbles. "She can't even talk" I say. "me and lala have a special bond, we can read eachothers minds" Asia says then starts staring at Jayla. Jayla just starts laughing out of nowhere. I laugh. "You're weird" I mumble. When Jayla eats pudding it upsets her stomach and what comes out the end ain't pretty. "You changing her next pamper" I tell Asia while picking Jayla up and putting her in her highchair. Asia shruggs her shoulders then walks out. I take out the peach baby food. I grab one of Jayla's spoons. I start feeding it to her. She tries taking the spoon from me. I don't leave her have it and she starts banging her hands on her table and starts crying. "Are you serious Jayla, you really gonna act like a brat" I mumble. Jaden walks into the kitchen. "Why Jayla crying" he asks. "Cause she wants to take the spoon and I won't give it to her so she's throwing a fit" I mumble while finishing up washing the dishes. "Well just give her the spoon"he mumbles. "No" I mumble. "Why not, if she wants it give it to her" he says while playing with her. "No, shes to spoiled, she needs to stop acting like a brat" I mumble. He takes the spoon and gives it to her. "Jaden! How are we supposed to parent Jayla if everything I say you go against it" I say. He ignores me and continues playing with Jayla. I groan and storm out the kitchen. I plop down on the couch. I look at the time. It's already 5. "We gotta get ready" I mumble while standing. They stand up and walk upstairs to bathe. I grab the bags that Jaden brought and walk over to the stairs. I step on the first step and feel Jaden wrap his arms around my waist from behind. "Don't be mad at me" he mumbles into my neck. I sigh. "Whatever Jaden"I mumble while taking Jayla from him so I could get her ready. "You really finna act like that" he says. "I'm not acting any way." I mumble. He chuckles. I roll my eyes and continue walking up the stairs.

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