At the Hospital Pt. 2

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Jamies P.O.V.
"Mom, Dad, it's her" I say barely above a whisper. The girl on the bed looks at us confused. "Gabriella?" I say. "How do you know my name?" She says while reaching for the nurse call button. "Gabi." I mumble. Her eyes light up. Only our family called her Gabi. "Jamie......Mom.....Dad?" She says while standing up. We nod our heads fast. "Oh my God!" She waddled over to us as fast as she could and we all hugged. "I missed you so much"I cry on too her shoulder. We all walk inside her hospital room. "What happened in the store 7 years ago" my mom asked wiping her eyes. Gabi sighed. "When I went for the milk I turned around to walk back to you but someone had grabbed me and put a cloth with something on it over my face,which made me go to sleep. I woke up in a house and I was chained to the bed. I stayed at the house for about 4 years. The people took good care of me but they wouldn't leave me go outside at all. So one night I climbed out the window and ran to our house but when I got there it had a sign that said for sale. I was about 14 at that time. I was all alone. I went to Mrs.Radeons house and she tried calling you guys but all of your phones were disconnected. Mrs.Radeon let me stay with her for about to 2 years and a half then she passed away. I met this boy and I started living with him and well things escalated and now I'm pregnant with your first grandchild." She says. "Um, actually you're pregnant with our second grandchild" my mom says. "What? Jamie you have a child?" Gabi asks me. I shrugg my shoulders. "I guess so" I mumble. Gabi looks at me confused. My mother explains everything to her from me signing Jayla's bitch certificate to the car crash and memory lost. "So where is my niece?" Gabi asks. I take her from Jaden who had just walked into the room with her. He had stayed in my hospital room because she was sleeping. "Here she is" I say while handing Jayla to Gabi. "Aww she's so cute"Gabi says while cooing Jayla. I laugh. "So am I having another grand daughter or grandson?" my mom says. "Grandson" Gabi says while rubbing her huge stomach. "When are you due?" I ask her. "Umm, in a couple hours" she says. "Where is your baby daddy?" Asia asks. "Same old Asia, and he should be on his way up now, I sent him for some food" Gabi says. I stare at Gabi and she stares at me. "Are they doing that twin thing again?" I hear Asia ask. "Yup" Kayla says. "What twin thing" Jaden asks. " when they stare at eachother for a long time, their having a conversation that no one can hear" Asia says.
Our Thoughts
Gabi: so he's your baby daddy
Me: i guess so
Gabi: he's cute
Me: hey you already got a baby daddy this one is mines
Gabi: haha I missed you
Me:i missed you too
End of thoughts
"it's kinda scary at first but you get used to it" Asia says. We look at my mom and dad. "I have my two daughters again" My dad says while chuckling. The door opens and a boy about Jaden's age walks in. "Here ya go babe" the boy says while handing Gabi her food. "Thankyou" she mumbles then opens the container. "Gabi can I get-" she cuts me off. "No" she says while stuffing her face. "You should know I don't share food" she mumbles. "That makes the two of them" Jaden mumbles. I look at him and hes smirking. I laugh. "I wasn't going to ask for any food, I was going to ask for my daughter" I say. "Oh, well in that" she says while giving Jayla a piece of her omlet. "Aiden aren't you going to get "our daughter"?" I ask him while quoting our daughter. "Babygirl, my name is Jaden, and she's your sister sooo......" He says while chuckling. "Yeah. right. Jaden. got it. I won't forget again." I say. "How old is she?" Gabi ask while giving Jayla a piece of pancake. "Um 11 months her birthday is next month the 28th" I say. "Oh she's almost one" Gabi says. I nod my head. "Uh Gabi why are you eating breakfast athis 4 in the afternoon"Kayla asks Gabi. "Cause we were craving breakfast fo-" Gabi stops and holds her stomach. "August, it's time......go get the Doctor" Gabi says then bites down on her lip. The boy who I'm guessing is August looked frozen. "Go get the doctor son!" My dad yelled at him. The boy ran out the room. My mother coached Gabi until the doctor came. "Okay Gabriella only three people in the room" the Doctor says. "Um my parents and August" she says. "Sorry Jae" she says while breathing heavyly. "It's okay, I don't think I'm ready so see that yet anyways" I say say making a disgusted face. She laughs then screams. "Get him out of me!". Child birth let's just say interesting. We walk out the room and into my hospital room. "Jamie what you finna do for your birthday?" Kayla ask. "Right, my birthday is in 2 week, how old am i turning?" I ask them. "18" Asia mumbles. "I still can't believe I forgot a whole year of my life. And I forgot about my daughter and boyfriend." I mumble. "Are you sure he's my boyfriend?" I whisper to them cause umm the dude...Jaden, yeah, was sitting right next to me. He chuckles. And whispers in my ear. "I can still hear you, and trust me, I'm your boyfriend.". I laugh. "How can you prove it" I say. "Your birth mark is on your left thigh and it's shaped kind of like minnie mouse." He says. "Wow, he been all the way up there?" Asia ask. I shrugg my shoulders. He chuckles. "The hospital security is so wack, we just left your hospital room for like an hour and nobody noticed" Asia says. "I know right, we could break out of here right now" Kayla mumbles while looking at her nails. Kayla is such a girly tomboy. "That's a great idea, let's leave now, I hate it here and this hospital bed is hurting my ass" I mumble. "Okay, let's go" Asia says while standing up. "Yeah, this hospital giving me the chills" Kayla says while standing too. "Nah, yall ain't leaving here" Jaden says. They sit down. "Come on mehn Jaden, don't be a party pooper" I say while pouting and playing with his fingers. "Nope" he says. "Please" I say pouting even more and getting all up in his face. "No" he says while staring at my lips. I playfully roll my eyes. I kiss him. He deepens the kiss. We both pull away after a while. "Please?" I ask again, hoping the kiss changed his mind. "No" he whispers in my ear then stands up from my hospital bed. "Jaden! Why not?" I whine. "Im glad you remembered my name but I'm still not leaving you guys leave. Do you know what Rich would do to me if I let you guys leave?" He says while leaning on the wall and putting his hands in his pockets. "I can't believe I dated him, or am dating him, I don't know , he's unfair." I say to Asia and Kayla while crossing my arms over my chest. "Where did Ricky go?" I ask Ryan who has been awfully quiet. "He left to go get some things" Ryan says. "Come here" I mumble while patting my bed. He sighed and walked over to me and sat down. "What's wrong?" I whisper. "Now isn't a good time to tell you" he says staring me in my eyes. I can tell it's something really bad. "Tell me" I whine. He sighs. "No Jamie" he mumbles. I roll my eyes. "Whatever, don't tell me." I mumble while crossing my arms over my chest. He sighs. "I love you" he mumbles while pulling me into a hug. "Love you too" I mumble. "Okay yall need to break up all the lovey dovey cause I know yall see me standing right here" I here Jaden say. I roll my eyes. "Where is my daughter" I say ignoring his previous comment. He nods his head over to Kayla who is lying down on the couch drifting off to sleep with a sleeping Jayla on top of her. "I gotta go" Ryan mumbles. I roll me eyes while still looking at Kay and Lala. "Okay, bye" I mumble. "I'll talk to you later" he mumbles while standing up from my bed. "Okay" I mumble then look at him. "I love you Jamie" he says. "I love you too Ryan" I say. He walks out of my hospital room. "He's hiding something" me and Asia say at the same time.

The door opens and Simba, Isaiah, and some of the other gang members walk in. "Jamie! Wassup how ya feelin'" Isaiah shouts. "Shh, my daughter is sleeping, Aiden deal with yo friends" I mumble. "Ha nigga she don't remember yo ass!" Isaiah shouts again. I get up from the hospital bed. "Isaiah if yo ass keep shouting imma break ya neck" I say through gritted teeth. He puts his hands up in surrender. "Damn Jae" I hear one of the gang members say. I look back at him and he's staring at my ass. Before I could say anything, Jaden spoke. "I will blow your fucking guts out for my girl nigga, keep yo eyes on your hoes" Jaden says grabbing me and wrapping his hands around my waist from behind. "Damn Jaden, I was just saying that her ass look good" he mumbles. "I don't give a fuck what you was saying" Jaden mumbles then puts his chin ontop of my head. I laugh. "Over protective much?"I mumble still laughing. I walk back to the hospital bed with Jaden following me. We lie down on the bed and started talking to the others. " bacon is way better than patties" I say debating with Muddy. "Nah, bacon is gross" Isaiah says. "Isaiah I'm disowning you, you can't be a part of my family if you don't like bacon" I say. He starts laughing. "But Rose doesn't like bacon, and you know she doesn't like bacon" he says. "So, Rose is bae" I mumble. I look up at Jaden. He's staring at me and I can't read the expression on his face. "What's wrong" I mumble. "Nothing important" he mumbles then kissed my forhead. I nod my head slowly. Somethings up with him. Something happened before my car accident that he doesn't want to tell me. I'll have to find out one way or another

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