Merry Christmas Pt. 2

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Kayla P.O.V.
I'm sitting on the bed in the guest room on Instagram. Everyone is sleeping except me and Ray. It's only 2 in the afternoon. Ray walks into the room in a basketball pants. "What you doin'?" He ask me while sitting on the bed. "On instagram" I mumble. He nods his head. He grabs my phone away from me and runs out the room. I jump up from the bed and follow him downstairs. I run into the living room where he's on the floor laughing. I guess he fell. I walk over to him and grab my phone. In the process of me getting my phone he pulled me down ontop of him. "Wassup" he mumbles while we were face to face. We were staring into eachothers eyes. "Your breath smells like eggnog" I mumble. We fall out laughing.

"You cute" he says while sucking on my neck. I bite my lip. He grabs my butt. "The fuck is going on here?!" I hear Isaiah say. I tense up then relax. We get up from the floor. "Don't worry about it" I mumble while walking upstairs. "What you mean don't worry about" he says while following me into the guest room. "I mean don't worry about Isaiah, we ain't together" I mumble while laying down on my bed. He picks me up and wraps my legs around his waist, holding me up by my butt. "You my forever girl, you'll always be my girl" he mumbles. Then pecks my lips. He repeatedly pecks my lips. "I love you" he mumbles into my neck. "I love you too" I mumble. He leans me against the wall. He grabs my chin then kisses me. "I really mean it, I do love you" he mumbles against my lips. "This still doesn't mean that we're together Isaiah" I mumble. He sighs and clenched his jaw. "I know" he mumbles. "You have to show me that I can trust you again"I mumble. He nods his head. He kissed me one last time before he puts me down. I'm so confused right now.

Jamie P.O.V.
I wake up cause someone turned on my lights. I look at my clock. 6:53 p.m. I've been sleeping for like 5 hours. My mom is in my room with Jayla in her hand. "Come, take Jayla I'm going out with your father" she says while handing Jayla to me. I nod my head. My mom starts walking to the door. "Mom" I say stopping her in her tracks. "I love you" I say making her smile. "I love you too honey" she says before leaving my room. "You want to wake up daddy?" I ask Jayla. I put her on his chest. She starts staring at him while he snores with his mouth open. She starts dribbling and eventually dribbled in his mouth. She started squealing. Jaden wakes up then closes his mouth. He feels his face. "Jayla did you dribble on my mouth?" Jaden asks her. "And inside of your mouth also" I say while taking Jayla off his chest. "Baby formula taste like shit" he says while standing up and heading to my bathroom.
"Mmmmm" Jayla hums. "Come on say it, say mama"I say to Jayla who really isn't paying me any attention. "Give her"Asia says while walking into my room. "No, she's my daughter" I mumble. "Does it look like a give a fuck who's daughter she's for?" Asia says. "Fuck" I hear my 4 year old cousin Didi say. "See what you did, now you got DiDi cursing" I mumble. Asia picks up DiDi. "That's a bad word DiDi don't say it again" Asia says to DiDi. "Okay" DiDi says while playing with Asias hair. "Baby" DiDi says while pointing to Jayla. "That's your baby cousin, Jayla" Asia says while walking over to my bed. "No she not" DiDi says. I laugh. "Yes she is DiDi" I say. "She bit me" DiDi says holding up her finger to show me two teeth marks on her finger. "Did you put your finger in her mouth?"I ask DiDi. "Umm I love you" DiDi says then runs away. I laugh. She's a mess. Jayla's lips start quivering. "Ooh what's wrong baby" I say while picking her up. She instantly cools down after I pick her up. "It's your fault she always wants to be held" I mumble to Asia. She shruggs her shoulders then walks out my room. I lay down with Jayla on my chest. I put her binky in her mouth and give her the bear she got and her blanky. That bear is the size of her.

Jayla fell asleep about an hour ago, but she's still on my chest. I'm watching what's on tv. Jaden runs up the stairs, into my bedroom and belly flops on my bed. Jayla instantly starts crying. "Jaden!" I whine. I hand Jayla to him. "Put her back to sleep" I mumble while turning on my side. "What's wrong?" Jaden asks me while holding Jayla in his arm rocking her to sleep. "Nothing" I mumble. "You were always a horrible lier but I'll leave you alone" Jaden's says while going to put Jayla in her crib that is in my room. "I'm just really tired" I mumble while stretching. "But you just woke up from a nap" he mumbles while lying down on the bed and pulling me ontop of him. I yawn. "Whatever, leave me alone, I'm going to sleep" I mumble. My phone starts ringing. "Oh my gosh!" I scream. I answer the phone without looking at the caller ID. "What!" I screamed into the phone. "Well Merry Christmas to you too" Ryan says through the phone. "I'm sorry Ryan I'm just like really tired, I'll talk to you later, bye love you"I mumble. I feel Jaden tense up under me. "Aight bye babygirl love you too" Ryan says before hanging the phone up. "Nigga chill out, you acting like I just said that I'm leaving you for him. " I mumble. Every little thing is irritating me today. Jaden closes his eyes. "Whateva mane" he mumbles. I roll my eyes then fall asleep.

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