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Jaden's P.O.V.
We all piled up into the elevator. We finally reached the 5th floor. We walk down the hall until we reached room 312. We all stood infront of the door. I open the door. "Jaden you should know that-" Mrs.Lidia stopped talking cause I rushed into Jamie's hospital room and hugged her. "I got you these balloons and bears" I said while putting them by her bed side. I smile at her. She smiles at me. "Haha thankyou for all the balloons and bears but umm.......who are you?"Jamie says. "What? Jamie stop playin" I say. Mrs. Lidia pulls me back away from her. "As I was saying, she has amnesia, the shock of the car hit caused her to lose the last year of her life. Which means-" I cut Mrs.Lidia off. "Which means she won't remember me or Jayla" I mumble. She nods her. "Did the doctor say the estimated time of the amnesia?" I ask her. She shakes her head no. I look over at Jamie who's talking and laughing with Asia and Kayla. I sigh.

Jamie P.O.V.
I don't know why I'm in the hospital. "That boy is cute" I whisper to Asia and Kayla. "That boy is your boyfriend" Asia whispers back to me. "No he's not, I don't have a boyfriend and I never will" I say. My mom walks over to me. "Hi mom"I say while smiling and hugging her. "Hey baby, how are you feeling?" She asks me while holding a very adorable baby. "Um mom do you know why I'm in the hospital"I ask her. She hands the baby to Kayla. "Honey, earlier today you were in a tragic car accident, you've lost memory of the past year" my mom says shocking me. "What? So we didn't come back from our Skiing Trip with Asia and Kayla yesterday?" I ask her. "No honey, that was last year" she says. I look at her confused. I look over at Kayla and the baby in her arms was reaching for me. "Why is the baby reaching for me?"I ask my mom. "That's your daughter" my mom says. "What! My daughter? No, I haven't even had sex yet." I say. My mom laughs. "She isn't your real daughter, she's your boyfriends daughter but you signed her birth certificate which made you her mother"my mom explains to me. "Really? Why would I do that? so where's her father or "my boyfriend" " I ask my mom while quoting the words "my boyfriend". She points to the boy that came and gave me the balloons and bears. "Well he's cute" I mumble. My mom laughs. "Did I love him?" I ask my mom. "Yes you did" she says. "So when are the cameras going to come out?"I ask my mom. She looks at me confused. "I'm on the tv show pranked right?" I say. "No honey this is the truth." My mom says. She calls the boy over to us. "This is Jaden" she says while touching the boys arm. "Nice to meet you Jaden" I say while holding out my hand for him to shake it. He looks at it irritated. "Jamie you gotta remember me, come on think back" Jaden said while shaking me. "Jaden honey the doctor said that her memory will come back it'll just take time, the doctor also said to not force her to remember anything cause it'll only stress her brain cells"my mom says to the boy. I look back over to Kayla and the baby is still trying to reach for me. "Can I hold her?"I ask the boy. He nods his head. I take the baby from Kayla. I lay her down on my lap. "What's her name" I ask the boy. "Jayla" he says while staring at me. I nod my head and smile at the baby. Jayla grabs my hair and puts it in her mouth. I laugh and pull it away. "I wish I remembered you" I mumble while playing with her soft cheek. The doctor walks into the room. "Okay visiting hours are over" The Doctor says. "How many people can stay?" I ask. "it depends how much people can fit on the couch and the pull out bed." He says. "Okay, goodnight" I say to the doctor. He smiles and walks out. "I'll go and tell the crew to come back tomorrow" my dad says while walking out. "I'm hungry" I mumble. "I'll get you something from the cafeteria" Jaden I think is his name says. He walks out the room. "He doesn't even know what I want to eat" I mumble. "Trust me, he'll get something you like" Asia says while pulling out the pull out bed. I look down at Jayla. She's chewing on her fist. "Why is she chewing her fist" I ask Kayla. "She's hungry" she says while handing me a bottle. I nod my head. I hold Jayla in my arm and start feeding her. Jayla grabs one of my fingers. "I wish I remembered you" I say while staring at her. "You will, soon" my mom says while rubbing my back. I nod my head. Jayla finishes up her bottle. I put her over my shoulder and start rubbing her back. The door opens and in walks my dad then the boy ummm Jaden. Jayla burps. I put her on my lap. Jaden walks over to me and puts a container on my lap. I open it. It has fries, a hotdog, and fried chicken in it. "Wow all my favorite foods, how'd you know?"I ask him. "You told me" he mumbles while staring at me. "Right" I say nodding my head and eating. Jayla digs her hand in my food and gets ketchup and mayo on her hand. I laugh. She wipes it on her cute baby sweats and tank. I put my food to the side and get up from the bed. "Does she have extra clothes in her bag?" I ask Jaden. He nods his head. I grab her bag and go to the bathroom with her in my arm. I close the bathroom door and start changing her. I finish putting on her pink pajamas and socks. The door opens and in walks Jaden. "Jamie you seriously don't remember me?" He asks while walking up to me. I shake my head no. I turn to him and he's staring at me. He moves the hair that was in my face behind my ear. He leans down and pecks my lips. "Well your lips are soft" I mumble. He chuckles. "You've told me that many times before" he mumbles. "So I'm guessing you're my baby daddy" I mumble while smiling at him. "And you're my baby momma" he says chuckling. "I'm trying my hardest to remember you but I just can't" I mumble. "It's okay, don't stress about it" he mumbles then pecks my lips. "Let's go, you need some rest" he mumbles. I nod my head and pick Jayla up from on the counter. We walk out of the bathroom. My dad and mom are on the pull out bed and Asia and Kayla are on the couch. Everyone is lying down watching a movie on the huge TV in the corner of the room. "Damn" I hear Jaden mumble. I look back at him and he's looking at my ass. I forgot that these stupid hospital gowns leave your ass hang out. I close it up and walk to the bed. I lay down on the bed with Jayla on my chest. I start playing with her curls. "You always played with her curls until she fell asleep" Jaden says while standing next to the bed. "I don't remember you but I feel like I can trust you, come in the bed with us" I mumble. I yawn as he takes off his shoes and gets in the bed. I face him and put Jayla between us. He grabs my hand and intertwined our fingers. "Goodnight" I mumble while rubbing a sleeping Jayla's back. "Goodnight babe" he mumbles while rubbing my ring finger.

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