Icecream Parlor

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Jamie P.O.V.
I'm in the office bored as hell. The principal comes out of her office. "Miss John please step into my office" she says then walks back into her office. I stand up then walk into her office and close the door.
"Have a seat" she says then sips some of her tea. I sit down. "Would you like to explain what happened in Mrs. Roberts class just now" she says. "Gladly, we were discussing out project that we had just been assigned and then the young lady came and sat on one of our group members laps. I asked her to excuse herself twice and each time she would say something unnecessary. So I used force and pushed her off him then continued doing my work. She stood up and kicked me in my face." I say then show her the side of my face then continue " so I acted and beat in her face" I say. "Okay, well because this is your first fight ever I'll leave this one slide. I'll talk to the young ladies parents. Now you may go back to class." Mrs.James says smiling at me. I look at her confused then slowly stand. "Uh, um okay, have a nice day" I mumble. "You too Jamie" she said before sipping her tea. My daddy probably got a pin on her head.
I walk back into the classroom and everyone's eyes are on me. I walk over to the snitch bitch and touch her hair. I bend down and whisper in her ear "you shouldn't have snitched honey". I stand up then walk back over to the table and sit down. "No penalty at all?" Kayla asks. "None" I say smiling. I sit back and cross my arms over my chest and just smile. I look over to the snitch bitch and she look like she seen the damn devil. I ain't going do anything to her. I just want her to be paranoid. "Babygirl you crazy" Ryan says biting his lip making me blush. I'm over being miss sunshine and lollipops. People were trying to take advantage of my kindness and I ain't with that being used bullshit.

Lunch Time
I'm in the lunch room talking and eating . I'm sitting on a table with Asia, Kayla, Ricky, and Ryan. Ryan is sitting next to me trying to make me eat apples dipped in peanut butter.
"Eat it babygirl" he says holding it up to my mouth trying to shove it in my mouth. "No thats gross Ryan." I kept moving my head and then he got peanut butter on my cheek. "See what you did" I mumble. "I'll clean it off then" he says and before I could protest he licked the peanut butter off my face. "OMG Ryan that is disgusting" I groan while wiping my face with a wipe the Kayla handed me. Everyone on the table is laughing. He dips the apple in some more peanut butter. "Eat it and I'll leave you alone"he says. "Ugh fine" I say. I try to grab it from his hand. "Nah imma feed it to you" he says. I playfully roll my eyes then open my mouth and bite it. "See I ate it, you happy" I say. "Yeah, you like it?" He asks staring at my lips. "Yeah it actually taste good" I say. "That what he's been trying to tell you for the past 10 minutes" Asia says laughing with the others. "Oh whatever" I say laughing with them.

After school
School just finished and Ryan and Jaden have basketball practice so everyone in our group are on the bleachers watching them play. "Have you ever thought about joining a basketball team" Asia asks. "I can't even play basketball" I say while looking at my phone. "So?"She says. I laugh at her. "I'm hungry they need to hurry up." I say. After basketball practice finishes we are going to get something to eat and hang out until Jaden comes to Asias house from the trap. "You always hungry babygirl" Asia says then hands me a pudding cup. "Uh why you got a pudding cup in your bag?" I ask her while opening it up. "Cause I knew I was finna be with your hungry ass" she says. "Whateva" I say mushing her shoulder. "Ow" I yell when Ricky pulls my hair. "What you do that for" I yell at him. "Cause yo ass don't want to keep still" he mumbles then continues twisting my hair. This nigga better not be knotting up my hair.
I hear their coach blow their whistle and tell them that practice is over. I walk down to the basketball court to Ryan who's drying off his face with a towel. "You did good out there" I say to him handing him the Gatorade we bought him. "Thanks" he said then kissed my cheek and walked to the showers. I couldn't help but blush. Me,Asia,Kayla, and Ricky were the only ones in the court now. I take off my shoes then start sliding all around the basketball court. "Your going to fall and bust yo ass" I hear Asia yell. "This girl is so childish" I hear Kayla laugh. This is so fun.
I slide across the court again. I slide again but this time I almost fell but somebody caught me. I already knew who it was, I could smell his cologne . Jaden.
I stand up and pull away from him. "So that's how you thank somebody who just save yo ass" he says "I would've rather busted my ass" I mumble crossing my arms over my chest. "Stop being like that and gimme a kiss" he says while unfolding my arms and pulling me to him. "Why would I kiss you, we aren't together anymore"I mumble. "Babygirl we ain't over till I say we over" he mumbles trying to kiss me. "Fuck off Jaden" I say then pull away from him. I grab my shoes and walk back up to the where we were sitting. I put my shoes back on. Jaden walks out of the gym. Ryan finally comes out off the showers.

At 5 Guys
We are at 5 guys eating our burgers. "Gimme some of your drink babygirl" Asia says then takes my sprite and drinks some. I shake my head. Ricky grabs one of my boobs. "Your boobs are getting bigger" he says squeezing them. I slap his hands away. "Kayla can I taste your sandwhich?" I ask her then take her sandwhich and take a bite. "We ordered the same thing though" she says laughing and taking her sandwhich back. "I know but yours looked more appealing" I say. We all laugh. Ryan burps then blows it in my face. I punch him in his shoulder "you know I hate that" I mumble. That's one of my biggest pet peeves. Like dude cover your damn mouth. He chuckles then eats the rest of my sandwhich. "Ryan" I whine. "I'll buy you another one" he says. "No I don't want another one" I mumble." I want icecream" I say. "Well stop being a baby and let's go" he says. I get up. "Yall coming?" I ask them. "Ye-" Asia started but Ricky cut her off. "No go ahead without us" Ricky said. I shrug my shoulders then walk away.
Ryan wrapped his arm around my waist as we walked. "I missed you" i mumbled. He chuckled. "I missed you to babygirl" he said then kissed my forhead.
"What kind of icecream you want?"he ask. "I want mint with chocolate drizzle" I say to him. He ordered them then we sat down.
"Let me taste yours" Ryan asked. "No, I'm stingy with my icecream" I say. "Wow, and after all I've done for you" he said shaking his head acting sad. I giggle. I see Jaden and some girl walk in but I don't think they noticed us. I shook my head. His lying ass. I ignore them them stand up and sit on Ryans laps. "I'm sowwy" I said pouting. He turned his head and looked out the window. "Ryan stop, look at me" I said but he kept his face turned. "What would it take for you to forgive me, you want my icecream still?" I asked him. "Two things, the icecream first" he said. I grabbed my spoon and fed him the icecream. "And?" I asked. "And a kiss" he said smirking. I blushed and looked away. He gently grabbed my chin and made me look at him. He kissed me passionately and I kissed back. I was actually getting into the kiss then someone snatched me off of him. I looked at the person who had me and it was Jaden. I rolled my eyes. "Let me go asshole" I say trying to get out of his grip. "Why the fuck was you kissing him" Jaden said. His once green eyes were now a dark brown. "Cause I can it's a free country, go back to your hoe"I say then point to the hoe that he was with. "We going home" he said then started dragging me out of the icecream place. Ryan shot up from his chair and ran over to us. "Yo what the fuck you doing" Ryan yells at Jaden. "Taking my girl, what the fuck does it look like I'm doing" Jaden yells back. Before anyone could throw a fist the security guards held them away from each other. After they both chilled down the security guards let them go. I grabbed both of them by their ear and dragged them to a booth in the corner of the icecream parlor. They both sit down. "Since you guys don't know how to fucking act civilized and mature in a fucking icecream parlor then I'll have to treat yall like fucking children." I say. Jaden tried to hold my hand. "No" I say then move my hand. "Ha she don't want yo ass nigga" Ryan said laughing. "Shutup" I say getting annoyed. "Now until yall learn how to act civilized around eachother I'm not talking to none of yall." I say then walk out of the parlor and back to five guys.
"Where's Ryan" Kayla asked when I got back. I told them what went down in the ice cream parlor. "Wow" I hear Kayla mumble. "Yay yall finally kissed, it was so obvious yall like eachother, that's how I came up with the moral of the play" Asia said. I shake my head and look at the time. It was already 6:51 p.m. "yall let's go" I mumble.
While we were walking out of 5 guys in the corner of my eye I could see Jaden mushing Ryans head and Ryan pushing Jaden. I looked over at them and when they noticed I was looking they stopped. This is going to be a very interesting night.

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