Happy Birthday pt. 2

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Jamie P.O.V.
"Stop" I giggle. Jaden and Isaiah are trying to make me and Kay eat some kind of Canadian candy that they have in the limo. "Come on babe" Jaden says. I shake my head no. He grins. He puts half in his mouth and leans into me. I smile and bite the other half. I giggle as he slips his tongue in my mouth. "Aww" I hear Kay say. We pull away. "Eww Jaden this has caramel in it" I say while spitting it out into the small garbage. He chuckles. "I know" he says. I hit his shoulder. I look over at Gabi and she's taking pictures with Asia and August. I see Isaiah pull Kay onto his lap. I don't know why they just don't stop playing and date eachother. They've liked eachother for so long and anytime we ask Kay she denies it. "Why don't you guys stop playing and just date eachother" I say while laying my head on Jaden's shoulder. They look at eachother. "We did date and it didn't work out" Kay says. "Let me guess, that happened a few months ago" I mumble. They nod their heads. Kayla gets off of Isaiahs lap. "Oh" I say while playing with my fingers. Jaden gently lifts my head up and kisses me. He sucks on my bottom lip then let's go. " tonight is a night of fun aight, no more looking gloomy" he mumbles. I smile at him. "Okay" I say. "Power couple!" Gabi yells. I laugh. Gabi and I look alike because we are identical twins. Not many people can tell us apart. You would have to know us for a while to tell us apart. I'm quiet and like to read. But Gabi is outgoing. Gabi has a scar on her ankle from when my dad took us to ride dirt bikes, it was Kays idea. I have a scar on my hand from when Gabi and I were playing on the trampoline. When we were like 8 Gabi was dating this boy and he didn't know who was who so he looked at my hand and realized it was me, then Gabi broke up with him. The limo stops. "We are at your destination, Happy Birthday JAMIE and GABI" the driver says on the intercom. We all laugh then get out the car. I go up to the drivers window. He rolls down the window. "Uncle Ricky!" I scream. "I haven't seen you since Christmas" I say while smiling as he gets out the car. "You remember that?"he ask me. "Uh yeah, you got Rose a new car" I say. "Jamie you remember!" He says. I gasp. "I do remember." I say while jumping up and down. I run to Gabi. "Gabi I remember" I say to her. "Remember what?" She ask. "I remember the past year, my memory came back"I say. I run to Jaden who's talking to Simba. I jump up into his arms and he quickly grabs my butt to hold me up. I kiss him passionately. "Jaden I remember" I say. "You do" he says looking excited. "Yes I remember everything" I say while smiling. "Oh you do" he mumbles. "Well except the day of the accident, but other wise I remember everything" I say. He sighs. And chuckles. "Whats wrong"I ask him. "Nothing"he says . I nod my head. I walk back to Gabi. I wrap my arm around her arm. We walk into the building my dad is renting for the party. "Here comes our birthday girls" I hear the DJ announce when we walk in. He puts the spotlight on us. Everyone starts clapping. In here is really packed. Leave it up to Asia to give out invitations. We walk up to the seats for us on the stage and sit down. I take a mic. "Okay I have an announcement." I say. Everyone quiets down. " So just a few minutes ago.......I got my memory back" I say into the mic. Everyone starts clapping and cheering. Mostly everyone in school knew about my car accident and the amnesia. We stay on stage for a while longer then get off and go to the dance floor. I start looking for Jaden. I feel someone grab my arm. I turn around and see Ryan. " Hey Ryan" I say while hugging. "Hey babygirl wassup" he says while wrapping his arms around my waist. "Nothing big, just turned 18, got my memory back, found ma sister, just the norm"I say casually. He chuckles and I laugh. "Yo what fuck going on here" I here Jaden say from behind me. I look back at him and he's towering over me. I roll my eyes at him and put my focus back on Ryan. "So when we were in the hospital you told me something about there not being the right time to tell me something. What'd you want to tell me?" I ask him. "Um i-" he gets cut off by Jaden pulling me away from him. "So you talking to other niggas now" Jaden says once we get to the huge snack table. "You know Ryan though" I say. "Yeah and I don't like him, he be feelin ya to much" Jaden mumbles. I roll my eyes. "Whatever Jaden" I mumble while starting to walk off. "So since you got your sister back you don't need me anymore? Cause ever since you found Gabriella in the hospital, it's like she's all you care about" he says. I stop walking and turn around. "Jaden, I didn't see my sister for 7 years, alright,my bestfriend! I didn't even know if she was alive or not, so when we found her in the hospital ofocurse I had to cetch up with her, why are you acting like this all of a sudden" I say. " Mane Jamie I aint even wanna talk bout it right now" he mumbles. "You're the one that started it" I say. "No! Yo stupid bitch ass started it when you was all up on home boy"he yells at me. No one even notices him yelling at me. I shake my head and walk away. Im not going to even think about what he just said. I start dancing with people from my school. "Jamie!"I hear Kay yell. I look around and see her pushing her way through the crowd. "Come on quick!" She says while pulling me to the back room. "What's wrong" I ask her. "Please don't tell me something happened to Jayla" I say starting to panic. "Oh nothing, in there was to loud and we were looking for you" she says blankly. "Are you serious Kay, that shit ain't even funny" I say. She laughs. "Come I wanna show you something" she mumbles while pulling me. She takes me out onto a balcony. Gabi and Asia are out here too. "Look" she mumbles while pointing up at the stars. I gasp. "Shooting stars"I mumble. "Make a wish" I mumble. "You guys remember when we used to do this when we were younger"Gabi says. "Yeah, we would stay up all night just to see them" Asia says. I smile at that memory. I sit down on one of the lounge chairs. "This is the best birthday by far" I mumble still looking up at the stars. "Yes, yes it is." Gabi says. "Sisters reunited" Kay mumbles. "Happy Birthday" all four of us say.

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