Chapter 1, Just an average girl

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Hello Lovelies, this is my first fan fiction on Wattpad so if it's really bad, I'm sorry! Please tell me what you think!! :) I will try and upload a new chapter each day, but I have a lot of school work, so I may not put much up all the time. Sorry this chapter is really short, but I hope you enjoy it!! Please vote and comment. :) I would also love to hear some of your ideas! 

Chapter 1

Katie's Pov

I was just your average girl, there was nothing special about me.....well nothing I wanted to admit. For years my 'friends' had treated me I'm worthless they didn't really care about me, I had those few people that did care, but it was even hard to believe they cared. For years people had told me i was fat and ugly and just made me feel worthless, and the words never left my mind, i didn't just hear it when they said it, i heard it over and over again, it was hard to be me, I know, i didn't have as bad as some people, but it didn't make it any easier, it just made me feel bad for complainning, but that was how it was...ha...was!!

I was walking around school, it was my last year and I only had a few days left, I was counting the days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, as you can tell I was keen to get out of here. After high school I was going to go to England, I have always wanted to go to England, it was such a beautiful place and I just wanted to start a life in England, meet someone amazing, who would fall in love with me, yeah I know, how girly, well hey I'm sorry if I like girly things, hell I am a girl.

*Bell rang

It was the end of school and I started heading home, I walked into the house. I lived by myself no parents no siblings just me, I did have family though, but after the accident I was left alone, I was only 16 when I was left by myself, so really I lied, I wasn't your average girl, I just wish I was.

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