Chapter 7, Prince Harry will take care of you

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Authors note is at the end this time!!

Chapter 7

Harry’s Pov

I was going over to Katie's today, it was already 12 in the day, I rang her door bell but heard nothing, I rang it again, I looked around her car was here but why wasn’t she answering, I rung the bell again, and then I heard footsteps, suddenly the door opened, and I looked into a pale face, her lips were a whiter colour, and her eyes where a strange colour compared to her normal, hazel eyes, she was wearing her dressing gown. She looked quite sick.

“Aww sweetie are you sick?” I asked,

She snivelled and said huskily and nasally “Yes”

“Come on let Prince Harold make you better” I comforted

“Aww Harry you don’t have to, I don’t want you to get sick” she said, she was so kind and considerate, but I wasn’t going to let her get away with it.

“No Prince Harry wants to help, and besides it would be worth it just so I can be with you” I said, she gently smiled. She opened the door wider to signal me to come in, I walked inside and she closed the door behind me. “So what do you need Princess?” I asked, she snezzed

“A tissue” she snivelled, I chuckled, I went over and grabbed a few tissues and handed them to her. “Thank you” she said,

 “No need to say thank you, it’s my pleasure to help you” I said, she smiled. She turned around and headed up stairs. “Katie, where are you going?” I asked

“Going to get a blanket and some movies to watch with you” she snivelled, gosh even when she’s sick she’s still thinking of others.

“Sweet heart I can get it” I said “What movies do you want? And which blanket?” I asked

“Oh ok, um any movies you want to watch, and the caramel blanket, that’s all over my bed” she said.

“Ok Princess” I said, I ran up the stairs and into her room, her bed was a mess and tissues where ever where, I know when Katie isn’t doing well her room becomes messy. I grabbed the caramel blanket and looked through the movies, I chose: ‘Love Actually, ‘Avatar’ ‘Up’ and '17 Again', (A:N// if you haven’t seen some of those movies you should!!!) I walked back down the stairs and saw Katie just sitting on the lounge, resting her head on the arm rest curled up in a little ball, I walked over to her and she opened her eyes.

“Hello Princess” I said, “do you want to watch some movies or sleep?” I asked

“I want to watch movies because I will be with you, but I want to sleep cause I’m so tired” she snivelled

“Princess, you can do either it’s up to you?” I said,

“I’ll watch some movies” she said and then coughed, she sat up on the couch and put her legs on the ground, I put ‘Love Actually’ in first and sat down beside her, she pulled her legs up again, facing out so I was still close to her, she placed her weight on her hand so she wasn’t leaning on me, but I wouldn’t have minded, I placed my hand on hers and she flinched, I pretended that I didn’t  notice and I held her hand tight, she looked up at me and smiled, I looked at the screen and then so did she, she looked back up at me and her smile grew bigger.

“Good choice Styles” she said,

“Thanks Princess, I thought so” I said, she looked back at the movie and I pressed play. We laughed and smiled a lot in the movie, half way through the movie I could  she her eyes closing and opening, she was trying so hard to stay awake, she was leaning closer and closer to my shoulder, I leant in so her head was on my shoulder, as soon as her head gently touched my shoulder, her eyes shot open, and she sat straight up.

“Sweetie, what are you doing?” I asked,

“Nothing” she said shyly.

“Sweetie, you can rest your head on my shoulder, I mean we are boyfriend and girlfriend” I said

“Oh ok” she said even more shyly, she looked scared as she gently placed her head on my shoulder, she was very tense and scared, I gently started rubbing my thumb in circles on her hand, she slowly started to relax. I was really going to have to find out why she was so scared of me hugging her and her being close to me.

A:N// Hello Lovely Readers, I'm sorry about how late this chapter is, it has been a busy week for me, but here it is, I hope you enjoyed it, please tell me what you think!! It's a bit shorter, sorry. Anyways I hope you are all well!

MusicLover!! :)

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