Chapter 13,

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Chapter 13

Harry’s POV

Last night was the best night of my life, the wait was so worth it, she is beautiful and I love her, I feel like I am connected to her permanently now, but I love it. She started to stir in my arms.

“Good morning”

“Morning Harry”

“Have a good sleep?”

“Yeah it was pretty good, I didn’t dream about my accident very much last night, which was good”

“Aww that’s great babe” she turned over and looked at me, while still in my arms. “You’re beautiful”  a huge smile spread across her face.

“I love you” she said

“I love you to” she leant in and pecked my lips, she got up bringing the sheet with her,

“What are you doing?”

“Going to have a shower”

“Why are you taking the sheet?” she blushed,

“I don’t really want you to see” she mumbled

“But I have already seen you, remember we had amazing sex last night” she turned bright red,

“I know but the lights were off and you couldn’t really see me”

“You were still beautiful, from what I could see”

“Well I would like to stay that beautiful from what you could see”

“Right” I jumped out of bed  and ran over to her and started kissing her, a plan was running through my head, she tucked the sheet around her and wrapped her arms around my neck I wrapped my arms around her waist, and gripped onto the sheet and after a while pulled the sheet down, and pulled out of the kiss and she turned bright red.

“Harry” she whined, she went to bend down and pick up the sheet but it I kicked it out of the way, “Harry” she whined again, I knew she wouldn’t go and get it, I placed my hands on her hips and pulled her in and wrapped my arms tightly around her,

“You’re beautiful” I whispered, I heard her sniffle and suddenly a few drops of water landed on my chest, I pulled out of the hug, “Why are you crying?”

“Somebody thinks I’m beautiful” she sobbed, I pulled her in again and kissed her

“Somebody thinks you’re beautiful because you are beautiful” I pulled her out of the hug, and looked her up and down and smiled, I placed my finger at the scar at the top of her chest that went right across her boob, I looked at her, and she nodded knowing what I wanted to do, I ran my finger down the scar where it stop before it went around her body, a tear fell down her cheek. I pulled her in again and kissed her with so much passion, “You’re beautiful” she smiled,

“I’m going to have a shower now” she said, walking away

“Can I come?”


“Why not?”

“Cause”, well that’s a rubbish excuse I thought, I heard her turn on the water and close the curtain, I walked to the bathroom door and quietly opened it and closed it ever so quietly, I heard her singing one of our songs it was ‘Little Things’ I smiled I walked over to the shower and slightly opened the curtain without any noise, she wasn’t facing me, I hopped in and wrapped my arms around her, and placed my head on her shoulder as the water fell on my head.

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