Chapter 10, The Truth Comes Out

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Chapter 10

Harry’s POV

Thankfully Simon, only needed to tell us we were doing some concerts, not leaving the country I was stressing, thinking I would have to leave Katie here.

I was again going over to Katie’s today, I walked up to the house and rang the doorbell but nobody answered, I rang again no answer her car was here I checked the door it was unlocked, so I decided I would just walk in, she wouldn’t mind, I walked in and heard the shower running, that explains why she didn’t hear the doorbell. I walked up the stairs and into her room, I heard her singing, I laughed she was singing ‘Stole My Heart” gosh she’s cute and it sounded really good, I looked around her room and saw on her desk, I writing book, one I hadn’t noticed on the desk before strange. I walked over and picked up the book suddenly pages feel to the floor, I picked them up and looked at them they were pictures.

“Oh My God” I mumbled they were of her there were scars and scratches and bruises all over her, they were everywhere even parts I shouldn’t be looking at, but right now I didn’t care, what happened to her, I turned over the page and saw more pictures of whatever this was, finally I found a page of a police report, and a police men and doctors signature on both of them.

Katie Jane Stewart

Age 16

Born 17/8/1994

Incident: Police on the run after a criminal, the criminal pushed Ms Stewarts parents of the road. Ms Stewart’s parents and sister died in the hospital, Ms Stewart is left with various amounts of scars, 47 scars to be exact, 1 going from her left shoulder diagonally across her chest, and partly under my right breast,  it went across her right ribcage and around her back and down to her left hip  wrapping around my entire body right down to my ankles. Another on the other side starting at her chest doing the same, there were scars across her shoulders and down her back, stomach and down her legs. I could feel tears starting my eyes my poor baby.

There was another photo but of just bruises

Katie Jane Steward

Age 17

Born 17/8.1994

Incident: Boyfriend John Brown, found out about Ms Stewarts scars and told her “he was glad he never slept with her, and that she was still a virgin because the scars would turn him off” he also said “you worthless bitch, nobody cares about you and nobody ever will, I never really loved you and nobody could ever love anyone with so many scars” then beat her up until she was so scared of everyone and didn’t trust people.

Now the tears were pouring down my cheeks, I opened the book to put the pages back, now understanding why she was so scared and flinched all the time. When I realised this was her diary from 2010-2011.

It wrote: Day of the Accident

17/8/2010, My Birthday, oh my God I thought her birthday

Dear Diary,

I was in a car crash today, I lost my family, I am now going to be living on my own. I look down at my scared body and realise nobody will ever love me, I am now officially worthless. I thought maybe one day somebody would love me, now I see nobody will. I’m so alone!!


There were so many sad entries it made me cry more and more, then I came to the next year her Birthday again.

It wrote: Another accident

17/8/2011, My Birthday, another Birthday ruined how is that possible I thought.

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