Chapter 11, Meeting The Friends

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Chapter 11

Harry’s POV

We arrived at Liam’s house, I pulled up outside, and hopped out of the car and she jumped out to, I locked the car and grabbed her hand, I glanced over and smiled at her, she gave me a weak smile back.

“Love, I know you’re nervous, but don’t worry I know the guys will love you, so you don’t have to worry. I said

“But Harry, I don’t want them to find out about my scars and them to treat me differently”

“I won’t tell them, if you don’t want them to know” I said “You will be the only one to tell them” I said, she smiled more this time, I wrapped my arms around her waist and walked to the front door and rang the doorbell.


The door swung open.

“Harry! How are you?” Liam asked, wrapping me in his arms.

“Hey Liam, good thanks and you?” I asked

“Really well, oh who is this?” he asked looking over at Katie.

“Liam this is Katie, the girl I was telling you about” I said

“Oh hi Katie, it’s lovely to finally meet you” he said, and stuck out his hand, she placed her hand in his hand and they shock hands.

“Hi Liam, nice to meet you to” she said

“Well come in meet the others?” Liam said, we walked inside and I was holding Katie’s hand.

“Guys Harry’s here” Liam called

“HARRY!!!” Lou called running out to me and wrapping his arms around me into a bear hug.

“Hello Boobear” Harry said

“How ya doing?” Louis asked

“Good mate, you?” Harry asked

“Good, oh who is this?’ Lou asked, pulling out of the hug and looking at Katie.

“Lou this is Katie” I said

“Oh Hello Katie, it’s lovely to meet you?” Lou said, wrapping his arms around Katie, I watched as she flinched, Lou pulled out of the hug.

“You okay Katie?” he asked, oh shit,  he noticed.

“Yeah fine” she said, with a smile which I could tell was fake, thankfully Niall and Zayn came out.

“Hey Harreh” Zayn said, “Whose this?” he questioned

“Zayn this is Katie” I said

“Hello Katie, nice to meet you” he said

“Hi Zayn, nice to meet you to” she said, Zayn shook her hand, thank gosh he didn’t hug her, we didn’t need 2 people noticing her flinch.

“Hi Harry, and….Katie?” Niall questioned

“Yeah I’m Katie” she said

“Well nice to meet you” Niall said, shaking her hand…thankfully.

“You to Niall” she said

“Let’s go into the living room” Liam said, we all started heading into the living room.

Katie’s POV

Louis had hugged me and noticed that I flinched I was so worried he would ask Harry why and that Harry would tell, him but Harry said he wouldn’t tell so maybe not. Well I hope not, we were all sitting around in the living room, I was beside Harry, Liam was on the other side, Zayn and Niall were on the couch beside us and Louis was just sitting in the arm chair.

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