Chapter 8, My Prince Takes Care Of Me

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Chapter 8

Harry’s POV

We watched the movies Katie chose, and then I went and made some dinner from what was in Katie’s fridge I ended up making a stir-fry it was so good, if I do say so myself.

“Thank you Harry” she said, after she had finished her dinner and I took the plates over to the sink, I started washing up.

“Oh Harry you don’t have to do that” she said,

“But I want to” I said

“You want to wash up?” she questioned

“For you” I said, she smiled,

“You’re so sweet Harry” she said, she turned around and started heading towards the stairs

“Where are you going?” I asked

“To get more movies and then to the bathroom” she said

“Oh ok” I said, I continued washing up, and she still wasn’t back, so I started up the stairs when she started coming down. “I thought something had happened to you” I said

“Oh sorry Harry I was having trouble choosing movies, it’s harder when you’re sick.” I chuckled as she said this.

“Okay Love, as long as you are alright?” I questioned

“Yeah, I’m fine Harry” she said, we walked over to the lounge room again, we put in the movie Katie had chosen which was ‘Alvin and The Chipmunk’s’ I love how she loves cartoons.

I sat down on the lounge and she rested her head on my shoulder, but felt more comfortable this time and was less tense but I still rubbed my thumb in circles on her hand and she just completely relaxed.

The movie ended and I looked at Katie, and she was sound asleep. I placed my arm gently over her shoulders, and went to put my other arm under her knees so I could carry her to her room but as soon as she felt my hand. She said “Don’t carry me, I don’t like being carried”

“Oh ok” I said, why doesn’t she like being carried, there are so many things I have to find out about her. She stood up and suddenly feel back and landed on the couch, I grabbed her arm just as she landed on the couch.

“Are you okay, what happened?” I asked

“Yeah, I just lost my balance” she stood back up and fell again, I grabbed her before she feel and gently sat her on the couch.

“Thank you” she said,

“No problem, let me help you and walk you to your room” I said, she gently nodded, I pulled her off the couch and stood her up and had my arm wrapped around her waist so she wouldn’t fall, I placed her arm around my shoulder, and started walking with her, slow steps.

We got to the bottom of the steps.

“Harry?” she questioned

“Yeah Katie?” I asked

“It feels weird having my arm over your shoulder could, I hold your hand instead?” she asked, this was the first time she had asked for me to touch her in some way, she had never asked to be hugged or kissed or to even hold hands and now she was, I was so happy.

“Of course Princess” I said, I still had my arm around her waist but I held out my other hand and she gently placed her hand in mine and we slowly walked up the stairs, we finally got to the top of the stairs and walked into her room. Her queen sized bed was in the middle of her room up against the wall, it had green sheets on it, with a walk in wardrobe and a bathroom connecting, it had bits and pieces here and there. I walked her over to the bed and gently placed her in bed, I pulled the sheets over her.

“Goodnight Sweetheart” I whispered and kissed her on the cheek she flinched again, as I turned to walk away when she asked.

“Harry?” I turned around, to see her leaning on her elbow with her top half propped up, she looked so hot, she was so wonderful and I could feel my heart beat faster and faster every time I am with her.

“Yeah Princess?” I questioned,

“Don’t go, lay with me” she yawned,

“What?” I questioned, I couldn’t believe she said that I had to double check.

“Don’t go, lay with me” she whispered, she looked down at the ground, I walked over to her, placed my hand under her chin and lifted her face so her beautiful eyes looked into mine. I leant in to kiss her but she turned her head.

“I don’t want you to get sick Harry” she said, I smiled

“Then I’ll do this” and kissed her on the cheek, I stood up from the bed and walked to the other side of the bed. Katie laid down, I laid down beside her, she turned over to look at me, she rested her chin on the palm of her hand and her elbow leaning on her bed. I did the same.

“What’s up Princess?” I asked

“Nothing, just thinking” she said

“What ya thinking about?” I asked

“How I ended up, with such a perfect guy in my life” she said

“Who?” I questioned, she looked at me like an idiot, “What?” I asked,

“I was talking about you” she whispered and looked down and turned bright red, gosh she was adorable. I chuckled. I leant in and kissed her cheek.

“I think I’m the one that should be asking how I ended up with such a perfect girl in my life” I said.

“You wouldn’t be thinking that if you knew the truth” she mumbled,

“What?” I asked

“Nothing” she yawned, she put her head on her pillow and shut her eyes, I leant down and kissed her forehead. I laid my head on the pillow and looked at my girl and watched as she diffed off to sleep, she was so cute, I drifted off into a peaceful sleep. I wanted to wrap my arms around her but I knew she would flinch and wake up. So I just fell asleep dreaming of my girl.

A:N// Hello Lovely Readers, I am quite happy, 10 readers, good marks on exams and a long weekend, sounds good to me! Here is the 8th chapter, I hope you enjoy it, please tell me what you think!! :D I hope you are all really well. 

MusicLover!! :D

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