Chapter 14, Not The Reaction I Was Expecting

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Chapter 14

Katie’s POV

The guys were all at Niall’s practising their songs, so we (the girls) decided we would go to El’s house, we all arrived at the same time, we all had keys to each other’s house, I pulled out El’s key and unlocked the door we walked in and found El sound asleep in her room.

“How about we make breakfast for us all, I didn’t eat very much this morning and El isn’t out of bed yet so…” I trailed off

“Yeah good idea” Jess said

“I’ll make pancakes” I said, I started mixing things together and put one in the pan and then another after 3 minutes of this I had about 5 pancakes, then El came down the stairs.

“Morning El” I said

“Morn....” she began suddenly covering her mouth and running up the stairs, we all ran after her, we ran into her bedroom and saw her bathroom door was closed, and then we heard El being sick. I opened the door and walked in,

“Oh El” I said, I grabbed her hair and pulled it out of her face, and rubbed her back, “Grab a glass of water, oh and make sure I turned off the stove” I instructed, Perrie and Jess went and did as I asked as Danielle and I sat beside El while she was throwing her guts up. After a while she wasn’t being sick anymore and Perrie and Jess came back with some water, Perrie handed the glass to El, who had tears streaming down her face, “El why are you crying?” I asked,

“Perrie, can you grab the tissues on the bedside table?” Danielle asked, Perrie nodded and grabbed the tissue box off the table and came back and handed it to El, El grabbed one and wiped her eyes. “El?” I questioned again

“Hold on” she said leaning over the toilet again throwing up, I grabbed her hair again and started rubbing her back,

“You’re okay” I said rubbing her back, after a while she had stopped throwing up and was sipping on water, and tears were pouring down her face again,

“El, what’s wrong? You know you can tell us anything” Danielle said, El sighed,

“I don’t know how to say this” she began “but I…….um……pregnant”  I continued to rub her back I didn’t real know what to say,

“Does Lou know?” Danielle asked, tears started to pour down her cheeks, as she shook her head,

“So he doesn’t know?” Perrie asked

“No, he doesn’t know” El sobbed,

“What are you gonna do?” Jess asked

“Well I’m gonna keep my baby” El sobbed

“When are you gonna tell Louis? Are you even gonna tell him?” I asked, 

“I don’t know, I mean it’s his kid to, but I don’t want him to leave me” El said

“He won’t leave you” Danielle said

“I’m not sure” El said

“Louis is a good guy, he wouldn’t do that” Perrie said,

“I guess but it would ruin everything” El said

“No it wouldn’t” Jess said “He loves you”

“I know but I don’t know how to tell him, and by the time he gets back from London tour it’s gonna be very noticeable”

“So are you gonna tell him before he leaves?” I asked

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