Chapter 6,

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Hello Lovely Readers, I hope you are all well, and enjoying my story, tell me what you think!!! PLEASE!!!!!! Personally I think this is a cute chapter let me know!! :)

MusicLover!! :)

Chapter 6

Katie’s POV

Harry and I had spent the last week with each, and every minute I spent with him the more and more I liked him.

We had spent the entire day in England; we were sitting in a park, on a picnic blanket, watching the sun go down. The stars became so bright and sparkly they were beautiful.

“Look at the stars” Harry said in his perfect voice

“Yeah, they are so beautiful and sparkly” I said

“You have that” he said, I blushed.

“Where?” I asked

“Your beautiful gorgeous eyes and personality and beautiful face.” He said “You’re just so beautiful”

I smiled, how did he think I was beautiful. He placed his hand on my cheek, I flinched, every time he hugged me, every time he touched me I flinched, I just hopped he didn’t notice this, it wasn’t him, it was from the past, I had a boyfriend once before after my accident and after a while I told him about the scars, he and his friends where the popular people and he told them and the girls said if I ever made them look stupid that they would tell everyone about my ugliness and my ex told me that he was glad he never did it with me, because the scars would just put him off, and he said that no one would ever love me, to make matters worse he beat the hell out of me,  he made me so insecure and scared every time I guy touched me. He made me keep secrets and hide it from everyone.  I guess Harry didn’t notice, he continued and leant in and placed his lips gently on mine. Shock hit me…he was kissing me……. I of course kissed back; it was perfect our lips moved in perfect sync. He gently pulled away, and whispered.

“Will you be my girlfriend?” the second time tonight he has shocked me.

“Yes” I whispered. He leant in again and kissed me, I flinched again but he didn’t notice thankfully. I had only been his girlfriend for a couple of seconds but I was already loving it.

Harrys POV

Katie and I had spent every day this week together, I loved it, the more I got to know about her the more a I loved her she was amazing in every way, I just needed to make her mine, so I spoke to the guys about it and we came up with a perfect plan and today I was going to put it into action.

We spent the entire day in England, it was so much fun. We were sitting in a park on a picnic blanket as the sun set, just how I imagined it would go, the stars shinning bright in the sky, even though they were so pretty, the truth was she was prettier and shined brighter than they ever could. Here it goes…..

“Look at the stars” I said

“Yeah, they are so beautiful and sparkly” she said in her cute voice, she was perfect.

“You have that” I said, now let’s hope that statement made sense, it did to me.

“Where?” she asked, where how does she not know??

“Your beautiful gorgeous eyes, and personality and beautiful face” He said “You’re so beautiful” I said, she really was, she was perfect in every way.

She smiled, I placed my hand on her cheek, she flinched but I didn’t pull back, she finches every time I touch her, I don’t know why but I will have to ask her about that later. I placed my lips on hers gently, I could tell she was shocked as it took her a little bit to kiss back, but she did and when she did, it was perfect, our lips moved in perfect sync, I gently pulled back, and whispered.

“Will you be my girlfriend?” she was shocked

“Yes” she whispered, I leant in and kissed her again, she again flinched but I just kept kissing her and she did to, a few seconds later, I pulled away.

“Come on my sweetheart, let’s get you home” she looked at me and smiled and said


We packed up all the stuff and we headed back to her house. We arrived at her house, and I walked her to the door.

“Goodnight Katie” I said

“Goodnight Harry” I leant in and kissed her, she flinched again but kissed me. I pulled away.

“Goodnight” I said

“Night” she said, I turned around and headed to the car, she walked in her house and closed the door, I jumped in the car and drove home. This night had ended exactly how I wanted it to, she’s beautiful and perfect and now I am with the girl of my dreams.

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